Chap 14: Change of plans

Mr. and Mrs. Hunt reached home, and they immediately called for Dylan. The servant who had gone to inform Dylan returned after a few minutes and said, " S-Sir, the young master said he would come after some time."

" Why not now?" Mr. Hunt asked.

" H-He said he wants to finish the game he was playing."

Mr. Hunt was furious. He got up to go to Dylan's room, and Mrs. Hunt was right behind him.

As soon as they reached Dylan's room, they saw him playing games on his computer, looking unconcerned.

Mr. Hunt went towards Dylan, moved the chair he was sitting on, and said, " We need to talk."

" Not now, Dad. Give me a few minutes," Dylan said, turning back to his computer.

This enraged Mr. Hunt even more, and he yelled, " When will you grow up, Dylan? You are 18 now; start behaving like an adult."

Dylan scrunched his eyebrows. " Did you come here to lecture me on my adulthood?"

" Don't give me that attitude, boy. I am your father." Mr. Hunt sneered. " Do you even realize what did you do yesterday?"

" Whatever it was, I am sure you have solved it," Dylan said without even looking at his Dad.

Mr. Hunt clenched his fist in anger while Mrs. Hunt said, " Calm down. Don't be so rude to our son."

" Not Now, Diana, not anymore. You have always pampered him and now see the outcome. He is least bothered about anything that goes around him. How will he take care of my Business with this carefree attitude?"

Dylan still ignored him, so Mr. Hunt moved forward and shut off the main switch of his computer. Dylan groaned and moved to face his father. " Can't you give me a break, Dad?"

" You want a break. You will soon get it. Do you know the consequences of what you have done? That boy is in the hospital with multiple injuries."

" So what? Serves him right," Dylan said with not even a pinch of remorse.

" The Mayor was about to send you to prison for what you did to his son. You should be lucky you just got away with community service."

" What?" Dylan shot up from his seat. " Community service.. Me..."

" Yes, you! Who else?" Mr. Hunt exclaimed.

" I thought you met the Mayor to solve this issue," Dylan said accusingly.

" Don't you dare blame this on me, boy. All this is because you couldn't control your anger, " Mr. Hunt smirked.

Knowing that his Dad was angry, Dylan tried to take a different approach. " Please, Dad, You have always helped me with everything, then why not this time?"

" This is not your typical college bullying case. This time you beat the boy so hard he has landed up in a hospital, not to mention that boy is the son of the Mayor. Above all, you had to do it in front of so many elite guests. Now even the media is involved, and if you do not even get community service, they will get a chance to blame the Mayor and me for disrespecting the law. "

" But..."

" It's too late for ifs and buts. You must have thought that before resorting to violence. Be thankful to me that you are not in prison right now."

Dylan grunted in disapproval but did not say anything.

Mr. Hunt then asked the question he had been itching to ask since yesterday. " I want to know why were you so aggressive with that Mayor's kid?"

" Because he's annoying. I don't like him," Dylan answered coolly.

" I am being serious here, Dylan. Tell me the exact reason," Mr. Hunt insisted.

" I already told you he tried to force himself upon Aiden, so I stopped him," Dylan said.

" Why do you care?" Mrs. Hunt blurted out. " What he and Aiden do is their business. What has it got to do with you?"

" How can I simply ignore it?" Dylan asked, exasperated.

" As you always do," Mrs. Hunt said in a matter-of-fact tone." I have never seen you get so worked up about anybody else; then why did you get angry when Aiden was involved?"

" Those are outsiders, but Aiden is family," Dylan said.

Mrs. Hunt scoffed. " That boy is nothing but a servant in this house, and as far as I know, even you consider him the same, so don't give me that bulls**t."

Dylan was getting irritated now. He himself didn't know why he got so angry when he saw Bill with Aiden, then what could he say to his parents.

Mrs. Hunt observed Dylan's expressions and suddenly had a dreadful thought. " B-By any chance d-do you l-like that boy?"

Dylan stared at his mother in shock. " What the f**k are you saying, Mom. How is that even possible. Aiden is a guy." Dylan suddenly realized that must be the reason for his anger. He was homophobic and hated gays with a passion. So when he saw Bill forcing Aiden, he must have felt disgusted.

" As you already know, I hate gays. I got disgusted when I saw Bill openly trying to molest Aiden, so I snapped," Aiden explained to his parents.

Mr. Hunt seemed to agree with him and said, " I agree. Don't have these weird thoughts, Diana."

Diana nodded as if she had agreed to what Dylan said, but the seed of doubt had already been planted in her brain, and she wouldn't feel at peace until she would get rid of the problem entirely.

Hours after Mr. and Mrs. Hunt left Dylan's room, Diana was still thinking about the same thing. Seeing her getting so anxious, Mr. Hunt asked her, "What's wrong with you, Diana?"

" Don't you think Dylan is too possessive over that guy?" Diana asked, coming out of her thoughts.

" You are overthinking this, Diana. You don't like that boy; that's why you doubt him as always."

" Whatever it is, I don't want that boy near my son anymore."

" Good luck with that," Mr. Hunt mocks.

"You think I can't do it?" Mrs. Hunt snorted.

" Would your son agree?"

" It will take a bit more effort, but I will eventually convince him."

" How?"

" Dylan is going to England for his Business studies, so we need to make sure he goes there alone."

" And how are you planning to do that? You tried last time, " Mr. Hunt remarked.

Mrs. Hunt was racking her brain to look for a solution, and suddenly it clicked. " We can stop his allowance," Mrs. Hunt suggested. Money was the one thing Dylan couldn't live without. " Block his credit card and Bank accounts everything."

" Don't be childish, Diana. We can't do that."

" I am ready to do anything to get rid of the boy. Let me handle this. Just promise me you will agree to whatever I say," Mrs. Hunt said.

Mr. Hunt nodded. He had no special spot for Aiden, and now that his son was an adult, he had no use for him either, so he did not have any problem agreeing with his wife.

After a few days, Dylan had to go for 50 hours of community service, but finally, even that turned out to be a show as his wealthy father had made arrangements with the Probation Officer.

Soon the holidays were about to end, and it was time for Dylan and Aiden to move to England.

Before that, Mrs. Hunt contacted the school where Aiden was supposed to go and got his admission canceled.

As expected, Dylan was frantic. He approached his parents in their office and asked, " Did Aiden's admission get canceled?"

" Yes. They had a test, and he failed it," Mrs. Hunt blatantly lied. She had already warned Aiden, and he readily agreed as secretly even he did not want to go.

" That's impossible. Aiden can even answer the questions of my course, and I am two years senior to him. I can't believe he failed the test."

" We can't do anything about it," Mrs. Hunt said casually.

" Then get him into some other school," Dylan demanded.

" The schools are starting within a week. So all admissions are closed for now," Mrs. Hunt said. " But, we can do one thing."

" What? " Dylan asked, annoyed.

" You go, for now, and he can join you next year."

" I have a better idea," Dylan says.

" What?" Mrs. Hunt asked, interested.

" Let him drop this year. I will take him along with me; losing one year is not a big deal."

Mrs. Hunt was appalled at the extent her son was ready to go to take that boy along with him. Even Mr. Hunt, who was busy doing his office work, raised his eyebrow at that.

" How can you do that, Dylan? How can you force that poor boy to drop for a year," Mrs. Hunt asked dramatically.

" Oh, Come on, Mom! Do you think I don't know you? You have never been concerned about Aiden, so you don't have to fake it. I know what you are trying to do here, so stop it," Dylan said, looking frustrated at his mother's antics.

Now that she had no option left, Mrs. Hunt thought of using her ultimate weapon. " Then let me be clear with you. If you want that boy to go, you are not getting any allowances. All your cards and bank accounts will be frozen."

Dylan burst out laughing. " You must be kidding me. It's so absurd."

Mrs. Hunt gritted her teeth in anger seeing her son was not taking her seriously. " Do you think I am joking?" she spat.

" Yes, of course!" Dylan said, trying to stifle a laugh.

" I am being serious." Mrs. Hunt faced her husband and shrieked, " Why don't you say anything?"

Mr. Hunt put down his file and said, " Your mother is right. We have always agreed to whatever you say, son, but it's your turn this time. So, don't force my hand."

"It's ridiculous. What's your problem with Aiden, " Dylan yelled, darting from his Dad to Mom.

" He is a bad influence on you, Dylan. We are doing it for your sake, " Mrs. Hunt said, trying to pacify Dylan.

" Aiden is not a bad influence, and I just need him," Dylan seemed desperate.

" It's only a matter of a year, Dylan. I promise you, next year, he will join you in England, " Mrs. Hunt said calmly.

Dylan felt his mother had some ulterior motive, but this time they were adamant. Having no option left, he reluctantly agreed. " Fine, I will go alone for now," Dylan sneered and walked out of the office. While going back to his room, Dylan thought to himself, " This is not over, Mom. Don't think that I am giving up so easily."

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