Those days I spent taking care of him. After everything that happened, he didn't go to the office one day. And I went to the office and I solved everything I had to do, and I ran back to help him. He knew I wasn't guilty, but in a way, he blamed me and he looked at me with a strange, different look, and when I was going to give him anything to eat he shook his head and I didn't believe he was doubting it.

That I really tried to kill him, I can't believe it.

"You're kidding me, aren't you? You're not serious. Do you really think I could do it? To kill you, since I didn't even know you couldn't eat shrimp or seafood.

"I don't understand, you're weird, bipolar.

"I'm just preventing because your half crazy, in a little while for you to give me a shrimp juice and quick.

" Enzo, please.

I didn't say, but nothing the days passed, and I went my way and let him realize that I would never do anything to hurt him.

Are you ready?

I look at him thrown on the couch and watch the rain fall in the immense city, the glass window gave the office air and I laugh.

"What's the point?

"I'm going to take her to my grandmother's house, she wants to see you.

It was a reunion day with his family, or rather his grandmother, because his parents didn't see them after the wedding. I ran to change, and I was excited and so learn more of the mysterious husband. And when I arrived at the huge old house, it was beautifully decorated. The antique furniture, the dogs running down the huge porch and the fruit trees at the kitchen door laughing. He smiled and came in screaming:

Grandma? I'm here, look who I brought you to teach her a few tricks. She came slowly smiling, the old wooden floor bright and the huge staircase giving a charm in the room with a flower decoration.

"You're so much wanting to talk to her, talk, she's here, but she's not going to keep saying that bunch of things from the past, please, if she's not going to end up leaving me.

"What a beauty, Valentina, my dear. I thought you weren't coming. I thought you were avoiding me.

"Claro, não a vovó e que, na realidade, trabalhamos duro e passamos nossos dias naquele escritório muito cansados, mas eu estou aqui.

"Então, a vovó a trouxe para aprender a cozinhar com a Senhora, porque ela tentou me envenenar.

"Ouvi dizer que você esteve no hospital, mas vejo que você está bem, que tem uma língua muito afiada.

"A culpa é da Valentina. Ela tentou me envenenar, mostrar a ela o que eu posso comer.

"Chega disso, Enzo, eu nunca faria isso. E muito chato. Eu nunca faria uma coisa dessas. Você é muito maçante Enzo. Olhei para ela sem graça e notei no momento em que ela viu que eu não gostava. "Ele não me disse que não podia comer frutos do mar.

Eu deveria ter perguntado. Ele disse sarcástico.

— Tudo bem, ao lado do escravo, pergunte. Eu disse rindo querendo voar em volta do pescoço dele depois que ele me fez passar. "Eu pedi desculpas...

"Valentina, minha filha, você fica ali, arrumando a massa que eu vou ter uma conversa com meu filho. Um momento, e eu estarei de volta. Ela beijou meu rosto e sorriu. "Mas você não vai deixar a massa queimar ou colocar o camarão, se não, você vai matar meu neto.

Ele ainda ria porque até ela gostava da piada, mas para mim parecia sério que ele estivesse mesmo acreditando que eu seria capaz, e minha vontade era cuspir na massa de tanta raiva.


I was just playing with her and I know she wouldn't be able to do that. Or would it? I still look at her stirring the dough and go out to the balcony with my grandmother who walked slowly and smiling. I was happy to see me married, and my parents didn't approve.

After I got sick with the shrimp, everything got harder. I've felt a little shortness of breath, headaches, a tiredness. I went a day without the office, and it got in the way. My service, but also she had to help me organize everything again and she took care of me, but I was unaware of this story. I didn't like the attitude. She could have asked me if I liked seafood, so I'd know. I was so angry. But at the same time, I felt like she was being real, so I decided to take her to talk to my grandmother and who knows how she learns something. She wanted to be part of the family because she gave smiles. And my grandmother hugged her, kissed her, and my grandmother sang as she stirred the pots. I kept looking at it all was irritating me, because in reality I had my head somewhere else. I had my head in the past. And that's when my phone rang again, and I saw it be her. I thought it best not to answer.

I looked, I shook my head, my grandmother stared at me.

This time, until my grandmother got into the game in the shrimp conversation, she took me to the balcony. I keep looking at those, landscape. It was autumn and the wind hit throwing all the flowers to the ground, the dog running through the yard and Me sitting facing the inner yard, it's wonderful smell of bush. And she hugged me, held my hands tight and said.

I see you're not well. What's going on with you, Enzo? The past still torments you.

"It's not that, Grandma, I'm trying, but sometimes it's very difficult. Valentina and I are very different. That's the reality and I think I rushed into it.

"You need to be more patient with her. And you just got married and it's hard to adapt for you. Be patient, try to do something new, travel and go to the theater. Unless just work. I bet you guys have only been working and spent the weekend rereading the lawsuits. She laughed and I lowered my eyes. "I know you; my son needs to be different and give you a chance.

"And more or less that. Go on, then do something new, I'll talk to her too and so she'll do new things for you. Maybe she'll make a nice surprise.

"What a surprise, huh do you know everything? You have a very dirty little head.

"A surprise, because I want to see a bunch of little great-granddaughters running around the house, so she's going to do, yes, the surprise and you get pregnant. And so, everyone is happy forever. And you come to mind on that head, put a smile on that face and forget about what happened in the past forward, because she's a wonderful girl.

Ela conversou e eu ainda a olho toda excitada na cozinha e rindo das panelas e sorri para minha avó que me abraçou. "Ela parece gostar de você. Eu vejo como ela olha para você e olha apaixonada.

"Então, vovó, não invente essas coisas. Nós gostamos um do outro dessa maneira. Nós nos respeitamos acima de tudo, isso é verdade.

"Não minta para mim, Enzo, eu te conheço, eu vejo em seus olhos que você gosta dela.

Enquanto os dois brincavam de cozinhar, fui passear. Lá na frente e pensando na minha vida, no que eu ia fazer e no que eu ia decidir.

Porque eu já tinha várias ligações e mensagens do passado, e eu queria esquecer todo o passado e começar de novo.

Deixando tudo para trás desde que eu estava com Valentina, eu ia tentar me reconstruir e deixar o passado de lado, mas foi difícil. E quando voltei, os dois, sorrindo, o café pronto. Sentei-me e observei-a divertir-se. Minha avó parecia gostar muito dela.

"Precisamos voltar; Tenho um compromisso.

"Eu estava fugindo daquela situação. Ela é perfeita demais."

Next chapter