I was losing my mind and I almost made it mine on the bathroom floor, in both of us we gave in to the sexual tension that goes on between us. I still look into your eyes and I see the weather has broken.

"I have to take this.

She came out of my body and I still came out all euphoric from the bathroom. I still hit my arm again on your soothed corner. And I picked up the phone. I waited a long time, the, calls and I wasn't going to let any call lose, it could be her. And when I took a deep breath and I said,

" Hello, I’m sorry. I answered panting.

The voice, in the background, the breath strong, the heart accelerated when I heard the voice, so long I waited for it and confess that the legs became soft. I still walk my hands over my hair and breathe looking for courage to continue the conversation and what a fucking man am I?

" Enzo is me...

I couldn't believe it when I heard the voice on the other side. It was the same voice of so long, of so many years. Feeling my body, chilling fear, beating my chest, it was like something telling me. "Don't believe it, don't trust me." It can happen all over again. I looked at her, coming out of the bath. She looked at me. And the only thing I said:

"And what do you want this time?

"I need to talk to you, and we could have dinner and talk about some things that have been pending between us, what do you think?

I can't believe that after all these years. She came back again, and here was in front of me almost naked Valentina and I look at her and I run out of action. She shook them, her head, and I can't believe it. Sat in front of the window, the rain brought a tasty and cold breeze. And I just heard the voice of my past.

"I don't think we need dinner for conversations, and it's been said.

I hung up the phone so I wouldn't let her come back after all this time and take away my peace.

When I looked at her again, that she sat down, I kept thinking that I couldn't let her think it was something else and that I brought us here to have sex. I looked at her again, took a deep breath. And I've been straight and thick, kind of rude to her. It had to be like this.

"There, don't think what happened was because I brought her here for sex and it wasn't anything serious but just an accident. She's quiet and I'll talk again if repetitive, I think I was trying to convince myself of my own words. "It is, it was no big deal and no, I didn't bring you here for us. It was just because you fell and nothing was too much, okay? It was just a kiss, don't take it the other way, because you're going to think I already brought you here to have sex.

"You're crazy. Why is that now? Is it because this rudeness you need to be so dry with me? She got angry, she got up and left to change— it was okay, and you changed, I don't understand. Sometimes you're kind, but sometimes you're ordinary.

" I'm not saying why you think I brought here for us to stay together to have a relationship, it's nothing like that, we're still on the same project.

What the fuck I said too much, I always screw things up. And he's still coming out after her who changed.

"You're not going anywhere. Stay.

"You, Enzo, you're crazy, because you're not going to look for the woman of your life and we're going to break up this marriage, because for me it's sacrifice, I'm going to be married to you.

"I didn't say anything too much. I just told you it wasn't to confuse because you might think I brought you here. She screams and cuts me, won't let me go on.

"Spare me. She screams and I walk in front of the bedroom door. "If you see, you find a lot.

"I don't think anything, I just don't want to hurt her.

"Do me a favor. She said angry.

"Find your great love and let's get it over with.

"You're too thick, Valentina.

"And you're a sucker Enzo.

"Not obliged to endure their desaphores.

I couldn't take it. I knocked on the door and let her go. I didn't want to hear it and I didn't want to argue anymore. I was tired, the fights, those arguments, and it was too hard. She loves to fight for everything, she retorts, she has the answers on the tip of her tongue. And little did she know that I had already found my past, but I still wasn't willing to face it all over again.

"I'm a coward in love."

I went to the bar and went to drink, get my face up and forget. And now all I needed. Another one wanting me to go to dinner with her, I can't, I can't meet again now. Right now I still have a lot of things to work out in my life. My heart racing and I was afraid to meet her again and go back to the hotel and have to see Valentina in my bed and have to resist. As soon as it worked, my head turned like a top and I see them both in front of me. I was a million between sips and glasses and others with my heart racing. I knew I had to go home, but I didn't even know where I was, I had already had too much to drink and wanting to forget the past and the present. And how am I going to get away from her?

Looking at the phone was blurry, and I still step by my fingers and that's when I pressed on my phone and the last number I pressed. And when she answered still with the voice of sleep and said sly.

" Hi... What happened?

"I need to go home. But if you have to come get me and quick.

"All I needed now is to go to the bar to get drunk. She grumbled and even said angry. "I'm going.

She did not long appeared with my sweatshirt and tied hair and entered and when she approached stopped in front of me and saw how beautiful she is even in sweatpants.

You work tomorrow, you know that? She said angry and I laughed, everything was spinning to her stomach. Let's get going before I drop you off on the sidewalk.

While she was standing there near me, I saw the way she touched me, that she grabbed my hand and still straightened my hair in place.

"You know we're going to work tomorrow.

"I know, and you knew I'm the boss, so I want you to drink one with me. It's the night out.

I put it in her glass, and she looked at me, shook her head.

"Now it's 2:00 in the morning, you know? Enzo. I need to get up early, because if I'm late, my boss says he's going to send me away.

"Then turn at once and so we get out of here. And she took me home. When we arrived, she helped me rip off all my clothes. And she almost fell, I gave her a smile and she held me by the waist, and I pressed her on the wall. I looked into her eyes.

I went out with her and held my waist; she still almost fell on me in the elevator and laughed.

"It's rotten with booze.

"How can you give up the drink? Yes, what happened?

"My whole life is wrong. I did everything wrong. I threw it all away. That's the truth.

Ela olhou para mim, deu um sorriso meio tímido, abaixou o rosto quando tirou minha calça. E ela me despiu toda, ainda olhando nos meus olhos. Eu sabia o quão perfeita ela é. Ela é linda, ela cheira maravilhoso e não faz amor com ninguém, isso é o que importava, mas eu não podia me envolver com ela porque eu tinha um passado e esse passado ainda estava lá, batendo na minha mente e me fazendo colecionar. E por mais que eu tentasse evitá-la, eu teria que encontrá-la novamente. Essa era a verdade. Afastei-me de seu corpo e deixei-a me ajudar.

Ele foi até o barzinho, trouxe uma água e dois comprimidos, e me deu.

"Aqui. Amanhã você vai ser de manhã cedo. E agora você tem que dormir. Porque você já fez o suficiente para hoje, não acha?

Eu não fiz nada. Minha voz saiu suave, meu corpo também estava um pouco mole. Eu só queria dormir, puxei-a para fora e disse:

"Venha dormir em meus braços. Eu quero dormir agarrado a você hoje de juntos.

" De juntos? Mas isso é para casais.

"Nós somos casados, você esqueceu que minha esposa, mesmo que ela esteja me ligando, você é minha esposa, você entende. Então deite-se em meus braços.

E ela se aconchegou em meus braços, eu ainda puxava. Coloquei uma de minhas pernas em volta de sua cintura e puxei o cheiro de seus cabelos e seu pescoço. E ela deu um sorriso malicioso.

" Sleep Enzo, você fez demais.

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