When I looked, I couldn't see his office, it was all dark, he lowered the shutter, and I grabbed her running. And I see my hair was out of place.

"Let's rest, I'm rotten, tired, the night was cruel to me.

"Oh, no, let's go for a walk-in town, and then sleep at night.

"Oh, don't make it that friendly, please. Look at the guys, it's all relaxing, I need this moment. "And look at my skin. After what happened, I deserve Carol, please.

"You haven't told me all the details yet.

When she said that, I was scared for fear of calling her drunk and I had this thing.

" Tell what Carol?

"From your fiancé, damn it, girl. Did he leave?

"I threw him out the door. That bastard betrayed me and why are men like that?

I arrived in the break room, and each on one side and I ended up sitting with Antunes my gay friend who proves to be a man not to lose his job, he stroked my hair. I stretched out on top of my friends and they stroked my hair and I went to sleep. I was finished, rotten, I drank too much champagne.

- Why do you put Antunes on? I say sad.

"Please, Valentina, you deserve better. That groom of yours is a piece of.

The day went by so fast, and I just needed to rest my mind. When I looked, there he was, not even. I had time to rest, he just made a gesture, and I got up. Back again, who knew this man was going to show up here out of nowhere and now he's going to be running it around me.

Not even in my break do I have peace, is this man going to be chasing me around the office? I can't believe this.

"Where will Valentina go?

"Chief called... Wish me luck.

I went out towards his office and took a deep breath at the door, and I didn't know why and when I knock on the door he screams:

" Come in... I didn't even close the door and he'd already let out angry, he was angry, and I already realized that his forehead frowned and I look into his clear eyes were jumping. "You can't keep rubbing yourself on another man, much less in the office. You're a married woman. Where's my reputation?

- You said it was to keep it a secret and now what's the story? It confuses me.

"When everyone knows, they're going to say you lived there rubbing yourself against another man. Then put yourself in the shoes of a married woman.

" Wow! You're weird.

"And I have a lot of service for you. So, you're going to do your job and you're not rubbing yourself in a male. He throws the papers on the angry table.

"Oh, who do you think you are? Because I signed a marriage contract with you doesn't mean I can't live my life. I'm going to stay what I am and he's just my friend. And as for you, live your life that I live mine. As soon as you said, when I signed the contract, everyone does what they want, so that's it. Don't come to place orders.

" Ah, for me comes Valentina and rules not you do not expose me.

"Now all I needed.

Putting rules and telling me to do whatever he wants. No, I’m not. I looked at him angrily, he even pulled my arm and threw me on the wall. And he kept pressing my body with him. I smell it and I still try to take my body out, but it was in vain that he was pressing me with his body.

"You have to behave like a married woman.

"And you have to behave like a president of a company that no one even knew who you were. So that's what marriage is for. So, almighty, be it me and I’ll be me.

The days were passing too fast. Winter brought rain and with it the traffic and lack of transport. I looked out the office window, I was about to leave. But how I was going to leave with that flood. I get stressed out knowing I was going to be home late.

I still looked again; he was gone. Our moments were already quieter. He didn't get so much on my foot, and I kept working thinking only of my mother. By the time I looked at my friends, they were gone. When I arrived at the office door, I saw that the rain was too strong. I still looked. I was going to have to leave anyway. I was late, I missed the train and the taxi in that weather never stops.

Looking to see if the taxi was approaching, but nothing I still looked at again and forgot my umbrella, so I was going to have to cross the street to get a taxi from the other side. I still looked again, creating the courage to shove myself under the rain. But I was going to have to do that. That's when I ran across, and I didn't walk a block hiding from the rain. And I heard the car horn. And I don't look, and the car stop and honk again and I get scared when I look at him in his car and still open the door and smile.

"Come on, I'll take you home.

"No, you don't have to.

"Come soon, Valentina, wide of frills.

I got in the car, the loud music, the smell of the cigarette mixed with a wooded perfume of it, the thick legs, I turned my face, he smiled— I didn't need to have come out in the rain, because you didn't call me, so I left you at home.

"I don't... stuttered. "I don't want to get in the way, but.

"Yes, okay, I can help you in those cases and most of all we're friends. And you live too far, so you'd better stay here at the hotel. And you're going to take a hot bath and take care of yourself.

I couldn't believe it, he left the office and walked about five minutes by car and already turned to enter the hotel. I'm scared, he's done things his way. I see he was hiding from something, the windows of the dark car and looking scared everywhere. I watched every gesture of it and shook my head back to our night at the hotel. He's a hell of a hot tie, that's the truth.

"No, you don't have to. After I get home. I'm going to do it. Don't worry, I’ll be right back.

I can't believe I'm afraid to be alone with him in this apartment. I almost laugh ed loudly and he approaches, and I was too needy to get that close, but also, I was in hatred of him.

"Why didn't you tell me the whole truth about you?

He would stare at me with a smile on his face and I knew he had prepared all this, and I fell into a blow.

"I don't lie and i don't remember you asking anything about me.

What a son of a bitch he was right about, I fall for him, and I was fooled by myself.

"So, is there anything else I need to know? I said angry.

"That we're just boss and employee. And enough of this boring talk and if you wanted to know something, you should have asked before and now you signed the contract.

The rain hit the car and he talked nonstop. Sometimes he has a habit of squeezing his fingers, hitting the steering wheel, like he's dissatisfied. He still smiled, looking out the window. And terrible traffic. I was going to take so long to get home today I live so far away. He still keeps saying. And as he spoke, I watched his gestures and I saw him being angry, moving his body too much. And by shaking his head several times it was either a touch, or nervous. I feel like we were both nervous and the tension between ours, body was great.

"Stay in my hotel apart, at least you won't be late again, will you, Valentina?

He already stopped the car in the hotel garage. And laughing he's meek and possessive you could see in the attitudes. With his charming manner, he passes his hands on his hair putting in place and still looks at me from the side giving a naughty smile.

"If you're late again, I'm going to have to send you away.

" Full of cute, right?

He was still sarcastic with me when we arrived at the luxury hotel. We passed the huge elevator and went in, he even fixed the suit on his perfect body and climbed up to my father's penthouse. I'm scared, he was in the best hotel and the most expensive suite. The door opened and I was scared behind his body watching him walk.

And he shook his head, and he put his laptop on the table, and his cell phone was already headed for the bar. He barely threw his jacket on the huge velvety sofa in cream color and turned the drink and loosening the tie he faces me, and I get embarrassed with the look he gave me.

I can't deny that between us there's a chain of lust. I feel invaded with your look. I try to stay calm and know that nothing will happen and just one, kindness of him I laugh and walking through the suite I still look back and he spoke on the phone. This man breathes work.

"You can make comfortable in the bathroom.

It looked like he was there for a while, it was all organized and if you notice it doesn't look like a hotel but a house, there's even a picture frame with a picture of him. I walked still in wet clothes and saw the huge bed with clear sheets. And the organization he has in the office he has here. Everything in place, that's the truth. When I looked at a huge King bed. With the best sheets, I looked still out the window. A perfect landscape was only 5 minutes from the office. So, it was easier.

"That's easier, isn't it? You just crossed the street without even having to drive.

"It's not always just crossing the street. Sometimes I'm hiding something in the streets, it could be that. But I hate traffic and being late on my appointments.

That's definitely it. I was admiring the place.

I go into the bathroom, and I see the luxury of the place, I could sleep in the huge acrylic bathtub. I take off my clothes, still shake to take out the excess water and put it on a hanger that was in the bathroom and look at his belongings in the huge white marble sink. And I saw that there really wasn't a woman in his life. The aftershave I still take to my nose and laugh. And I hear music, and the smell of the drink coming from the living room, and I leave the door half open. I walked and at that moment I was looking for an answer for myself, as we were both going to do for this marriage right before his family, nor did I know. We haven't sat down to talk about that part yet. We talked about it up loud and he just wants a break.

Under the shower, I held both hands on the wall. The water hit my back. It warmed up all my blood. I needed to relax and feel my body tremble, I was nervous, and something bothered me and I'm sure it would leave me like this out of me. I've thought about a million things to do with that healed little body and me laughing. I took a deep breath when I heard his voice coming from the bathroom door.

Hearing the sound of his voice again, I just got out of boxing, my hair still wet. The ground is all wet. I took the other towel that was hanging. I wrapped it around my body and the door opened and I got scared. I was still wet. And my body responds at the time to his body almost bare the black boxing underwear giving volume and I 
cleared my throat timidly.

"Eu não me reconheço. Que timidez é essa?"

"Use isso para se aquecer. Ele não queria me ver nua e com pressa ele estende o não e eu me movi rápido para molhar o banheiro eu escorrego e desequilibrando meu corpo eu me agarro a ele para não cair. E já era tarde, nós dois nos desequilibramos e caímos nos corpos um do outro. E eu ri e ele tirou meu cabelo do meu rosto e eu sinto sua reação pulsante batendo na minha perna.

Foi olho no olho, e eu ainda sinto seus olhos queimarem minha pele e eu sinto meus lábios tremerem com o rápido contato do nosso corpo. E ele enfiou os dois, mão forte no meu cabelo e puxa com força. Nossas respirações ofegantes e nossas, corpo querendo explodir o desejo visível da pele e eu ainda tento me concentrar em me levantar, mas já era tarde eu não consigo tirar toda a atenção.

Senti sua boca tocar a minha, suas duas mãos e ficou sob meus cabelos e seus lábios tocando meus lábios ainda molhados. E senti meu corpo arrepiar e me dei as carícias, de sua boca macia e fedorenta.

Foi algo mágico. Ele enfiou a língua nos meus lábios. Senti minha língua dançar sobre a dele, uma entrega total dos dois e ele ainda gemia na minha boca. Nossos corpos entregues às nossas mãos colados juntos. Ele me puxou para cima do seu corpo.

E eu me senti gelada, o nó em sua garganta e deixei que ele me tocasse completamente, sentindo sua mão e eu regava meu corpo sobre o dele. A toalha sendo puxada e nossos lábios tocados e selados. Mas o barulho vindo de dentro da sala eu fechei os olhos. E o barulho estrondoso do telefone e eu estou fora do ar e ele olha nos meus olhos. A boca na boca e entregou aquela sensação de luxúria que eu entrego.

"Eu me perdi em meus erros."

Next chapter