I woke up tired, I cost to sleep, and I still look at the hour and I was early. But I thought it best after what I did in kiss him. I jump out of bed and run into the euphoric bath. I look in the mirror and I see the dark circles, the eyes, swollen, sleepy, but excited I needed to get along. And I didn't want to find him.

I knew it was a great project and I worked on every core, and I knew I was going to get something. It might not even be a promotion anymore, something I was going to get because it was perfect, especially when he's helping.

The fashion world is a competitive world, and no one likes anyone to help. Enzo was the only one who helped me. I arrived at the office with the papers in my hands. The whole project ready, colors on colors, lights, until the advertisement ready and when I enter the room was already ready, coffee, water I was going to present to friends and the boss, we were three project, the best was going to be presented to the great directors. I was shaking, my heart was beating in fear.  And the generates was coming and I just stood there not knowing what to do.

I want to see Enzo when he sees the whole project ready because I ended up changing details. And when they started talking, one presents the other presentation from here and I'm there waiting for my turn.

― Relax, Valentina will succeed.

― Carol, I didn't even sleep that hard I worked. They're not going to fill mine and you know they hate me.

― Think positive.

I started watching, seeing and hearing them all and when it came my turn, I stood right in front looking at my classmates who some hated me.

― Good morning... I made a modern design, and only moment colors that never go out of style. It's very important to me, but I hope you enjoy these colors combining perfectly in every detail these aspects of these pilasters and realizing that here is a little thinner and here thicker, so let's put the fabric bigger.  As I spoke, Carol was making gestures and laughing, and I kept thinking about applause.

― I've even thought about advertising, let's do with the luxury and clear the colors of the moment.

Falei com firmeza e sem gaguejar, todo mundo estava assim, de olho, espantoso. Todo mundo olhando para mim e, claro, Carol foi a primeira a me aplaudir e depois todo mundo aplaudindo, e todo mundo admirando as cores e o burburinho.


Fiquei toda vermelha sem graça e comecei a pegar, minhas pernas tremiam e a minha foi escolhida.

Quando meu chefe disse que o meu tinha sido escolhido e o meu era perfeito, ele poderia ser apresentado aos gerentes. Fiquei eufórica porque fiz isso com amor, com carinho. Passei a noite inteira fazendo isso e sabia que ele gostaria, porque muitos detalhes, ele é quem escolheu meu coração, ele disparou. Ao saber que ele viu meu projeto e eu fiquei eufórica esperando as respostas. Eu não o vi quando ele chegou, eu não o vi passar por mim. Eu estava tão exultante que não notei nada, apenas sorri para o meu amigo que ficou comigo, e eu ouço todo mundo batendo palmas e olhando para o seu escritório e o vi quando ele estava chegando.


I woke up quietly in the house and sometimes I hear the noise of the dryer. It was all so quiet the night before she ran away from me, she didn't want to go to the end, I thought it was better so, we weren't going to get so involved. I was still curled up, wrapped up in my past. But I got up and ran to make breakfast.

After all, today is the big day. She was going to present her project, but when I got up, I looked in her room, the door open. She was gone, I got scared, I thought it was weird. She hasn't waited for me, and she's been avoiding me. She does her thing without me, she's been avoiding her as much as she can, that was the truth. I took a deep breath, looked at it and went to change. She was gone. She's right, she needs to get here first before the boss and show her work. That's my girl.

When I got to the office, I saw from afar her happiness presenting the project and she deserves it was perfect. She was very happy. Apparently, she received a lot of praise, and everyone was looking at her project on the table and from what I see was the one chosen.

It really was wonderfully well written, well-done, matching colors the models as well. So, everything was perfectly, I looked again. For her, she lowered her face when she saw me after some calls and complaints. I look at the messages and my mom's warning about the weekend.

Hours later they were waiting for me in the meeting room, and everyone was already talking about the projects and hers on the table and I look at everyone and of course it was perfect in one of their outfits that made her sexier and lowered her eyes. I almost laughed at seeing her boss in front and already talking.

― You can start... I drink the coffee and he talks about the project. This one's like cores. ― You can change anything. And we change the colors, but these colors are the cores of the summer moment. And it matches a lot with the project you want, and this one from here to us may be changing. If you don't like these colors, we can put other cores. And other models too.

She looked at me and he was being by the other partners who asked questions and he all happy being praised, she shook her head, was not liking anything and I saw in her eyes that she was sad. Everyone praised the project and asked questions, questions and he shook his head, answered smilingly, receiving all the credit. Like it's his credit. And I knew it was hers. I saw that she was not liking it, lowered her sad eyes and I got in the middle, I asked:

―— but you did the project. The design is very well designed, very well done. As the cores combine the models also the fabric.

I see that a large fabric was also used, a wonderful design. I walked and I look at him. ― Did you do it? He looks and everyone was waiting for the answer, after all he was being congratulated for something that he didn't do and kept quiet.

― It wasn't Valentina. I'm just introducing and helping to finish.

― And why didn't you say at first that it was her project and supervised by you?

― The excuse I did not present, was Valentina. My assistant.

― So, you mean you did a project?

" Yes, sir...

― Then present your project and show the details. I said looking at everyone.

Quando ela começou a falar e andar por aí e eu estava admirando, ela era boa na apresentação e era a melhor explicação. Era sorriso e aplausos e ela estava toda pensando e corada no momento em que eu olhei em seus olhos. Eu estava orgulhoso dela. E ela foi aplaudida por todos os diretores e associados e seu projeto foi escolhido. Ela sorriu. Ela era profissional, não dizia nada, não passava por cima do chefe. Ela esperou que ele dissesse alguma coisa.

O melhor sorriso que já vi na minha vida. Naquele momento, foi aprovado por eles. O gerente geral disse sorrindo e olhando para ela que ela estava radiante, e eu não posso explicar, mas eu estava como se ela parecesse que o projeto era meu.

― Projeto escolhido, então você acabou de ser promovido. Valentina Tomás.

Ela colocou a mão na boca assustada e até segurou para não pular em cima de mim, essa era a verdade. Eu sabia que ela merecia. E depois de todos os detalhes eu me aproximo e segurei sua mão e ela sorriu.

― Eu fiz isso.

― Parabéns, Valentina... foi perfeito. Puxei-a pelo sutiã, sussurrei em seu ouvido rindo. ― Você me deve uma bebida por ajuda.

"Perdi a cabeça e convido você a comemorar com ela." "Eu não posso!"

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