My days boil down to work and at the end of the day love. It may sound cliché, but today I want to celebrate by watching a romantic movie and sleeping in a together. I want him never to forget that date.

I always forget to pick up the key at the bottom of the bag. Hands full of packages, I look everywhere and there was no way out. I put the packages on the floor and turned my bag upside down, it was easier and there was the little golden key. I kissed her smiling; I was going to make dinner for my uron. I almost fell on my face picking up things thrown and throwing it anyway in the bag. Finally, I open the door.

I enter almost without seeing, leaving the bags on the counter and still breathe and when I look at the small room I do not believe. I see a bra thrown and I look at the bedroom door and the lace panties. "I don't wear lace."

I walked around the room going to meet the pieces thrown to the ground and came to the bedroom door and startled me to come across a strange sound coming from inside.

I hear groans and I push the door; I can't believe what I see, I almost fall the floor seeing the scene. The man who promised me love, takes care of me. I'm still trying to sue, but it's only coming to mind what I give up for him and how much I've put into working to make this relationship work.

" Damned! I could run away, but I want revenge, I want to let him know how much he hurt me and hurt me. I didn't think of anything, just play what I can achieve. I'll be right in your direction. "I have done everything for you, I renounce myself for you, and what has given me? Wretch. I throw the vase and I saw the girl running, I still saw naked— I want out of my life, I hate you bastard. I'm already crying.

"You hurt me, what's gotten into you? He still deeds to question me.

"I gave you everything and you fucked up my life. Outside of my house and my life I don't want to see you and if you pass in front of me, I swear I'll get even.

He still tries to explain himself and I just look at him with hate. I wanted to pull out those black hairs and I can't control myself. I've come down my arm in your face and I still close my eyes, I don't believe in myself. I hit him in the face and both sides wanting to rip his skin off.

" GET OUT OF MY LIFE! I scream in tears.

Crying and venting every tear that was left in my body. I'll take my fingers and see him go. It was goodbye and even though he betrayed me, I'm still suffering and crying for the bastard.

Thrown to the floor of the room misplaced with the blurry makeup of both crying. "It can't be true, he betrayed me and I'm still suffering for him. How can I be so stupid?" The cell phone thrown to the ground and everyone calling me, I still pick up and I see my mom and my boss and another bastard.

"It couldn't be happening to me."

I got lost, I despaired in pieces, but I had to keep going. But where do you draw your strength from? He took his cell phone, and I can't believe I still have to work on the weekend to do the presentation.

Never, never! I scream rereading the message.

"Prepare the presentation for Monday, then do your best work, show that you are the best, do not forget to detail all the details of the negotiation. And remember, I don't take no.

He's slutty with me seriously even when I opened the message, I didn't believe I'm all screwed up I'm still going to have to do presentation of work at the company do not believe it. And so rude, you don't even say "thank you" that damn. I hate men!

I lost my mind, went to his drawers and picked up his underwear and put everything out the window. And forgetting the shoe and I see he was still there waiting for what I don't know. He took his shoe and he threw it at his head and he was screaming down there.

Let's talk about it. He screams.

"Blatant. I take the phone and I’ll take the message I got and scream. "Die damn!

I'm not the only employee of that company. And how am I going to do that? I broke up with my house, had broken vases, clothes on the floor, the house is a mess just like my life that fell apart.

" Presentation and the fuck!

I was going to throw a bottle of wine and I’ll regret it and open it and start drinking. I needed to forget, but I couldn't. My heart destroyed, the only thing my head remembered was that I was betrayed. I get up and go to the mirror and I was destroyed finished, I put my hands in my hair tidying up. And I breathe after crying and realizing that I threw away a year of my life with him. I stopped taking care of myself and my professional life for him. I wasn't buying it.

" HORN! My head was screaming, and I wouldn't cry, much less blame me—It's my fault for believing in love.

But it wasn't going to make it cheap, I open my little closet and go out picking up everything that was his and throw it in the trash. The photos and gifts given by him. After turning into half a bottle of wine, I created courage and picked up the first clothes thrown to the ground. I needed to forget and know where I went wrong? I stopped at the first bar I found, I needed to see people because in that one year I stuck only in "we."

I still look at the place and knew that drinking alone wasn't good. But I wanted to be alone and think about myself.

"The strongest drink to take me down. Please.

Between one sip and another, a false laugh, and the desire to cry pluck from my chest that pain, I was already close friend of the bartender, the hotness with the body worked out and the malicious smile. Still looking at his brownish eyes and a ponytail, I was already finding him the gallant "George Clooney" himself and smiled making dimples. I was lost in my thoughts and dediating thinking of the deceased of the ex.

"I hate men.

I mumbled and look at the side and the head freaking out and by that time I was already delivering the drink. My breath was already strong, I breathed with difficulty, and he sat down and I owed all the men and even him who sat looking like the owner of the bar.

His shoulders were wide, his hair was brown and his eyes, it was dark, you couldn't see anything. And as I approach his rounded chin with a closed beard and big lips and my eyes accompany his hand. They were big he puts on the counter, and I breathed with difficulty shaking his head being totally invaded by its strong wooded smell and he even bit the corner of the lip. Are you offering yourself to me? I'm not drunk and all.

"Wow, how smelly you are! I said shuffling the voice.

And perfect he put the bottle of whiskey on the counter and the little cups scattered around and finding himself the owner of the counter and Me admiring his fingers and laughing. Looking at the gestures of coming and going from your hand.

- Can we drown our sorrows together? He pushed the little cup to my side and gave a perfect smile, he is very engaging. And he seemed to know that I needed it at that moment. He lifted the glass of whiskey and laughed turning at once that big mouth I laugh.

I ended up accepting he speaks little just what is necessary, his hoarse voice drawing my attention to his mouth. He put his hand on his thigh and my eyes followed his hands and still squeezed, it was very tasty and well-dressed. And after the third dose he got loose, approached me and we started talking and I muttering complaining about men as if he were a woman.

"Is it because men can't keep their dicks in their pants?

"Because you are wonderful, and we are made for each other. He smiled.

"I hate all men, I hate everyone, they think we're fragile, we're like crystals, and they're traitors.

I gave in to the moment, he filled the shot and we turned together. In the third round he holds my hand, and I smiled snapping. I can't believe he wants something to do with me and too perfect. You look like a Greek god.

"Don't tell me you're suffering from horn pain like me? I laughed and he already pulled my hand, shook and seemed to have a connection, I felt my hand wet, and he shook and laughed. That drunk connection was that and I looked him in the eye, and I wanted to run out of there. And only a drunk tried to remind me.

Between glasses and laughter he was already intimate with me and the two drunks. He holds my knee and squeezes and I look at his face. I wanted to laugh, but I just admired your beauty.

"Let's go somewhere else, here, it's too boring.

No, no, no, no I answered upon your speech by cutting it.

"What have I done? Is there a man waiting for you? He turns the drink and gives me another one and pulls my hand—You don't know the word subtlety, do you? I'm just going to take you home.

- Because it's not direct and asks if I have a boyfriend. I like to be direct, and you keep asking too many questions.

So you have a boyfriend? Or are you married? He said laughing.

"Claro, não e veja. Eu mostrei a vocês, meus dedos. " - Eu não tenho um anel.

"E amante? Ou sexo casual com um amigo?

Eu não posso acreditar que ele quer saber sobre a minha vida íntima eu me levanto do banco e eu quase caio e ele me segurou na cintura eu sinto seus dedos enfiarem na carne do quadril. Eu não consigo parar de olhar para ele por um minuto se ele quiser. Ele riu um pouco do meu desespero com a situação e agarrou minha cintura com seu braço musculoso, intensificando minha cintura e sorriu maliciosamente.

"Está seguro em meus braços.

Em uma fração de segundo, ouço sua voz rouca entrar em meus ouvidos e, retornando ao meu mundo real, tiro seus braços na tentativa de afastar essas sensações indesejadas e me deparo com seu olhar total, confuso e trêmulo. Suas pupilas estavam dilatadas e seu olhar completamente selvagem, o clima tenso entre nós era palpável. E uma descarga de adrenalina que percorreu minha espinha.

Mas ele não desistiu que ele se aproximou do meu corpo e pôde senti-lo quente e ofegante e eu ainda posso sentir sua respiração mentolada de bebida atingindo meu rosto e todo o meu corpo apenas arrepia com essa ousadia. Ele está dedilhando seus dedos arduamente pelos meus braços até que cheguei ao queixo e deslizei seus dedos acariciando a forma do meu queixo e nós dois fomos entregues a um desejo incontrolável, naquele momento senti faíscas soltas de nossos corpos. Tentando sair daquela tensão sexual que nos consumia.

"Você vai se casar comigo?

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