It will unfold [Part 3]

Degenerates—a collective term for different types of criminals.

All members were ex-convicts who had been granted parole, thanks to the indicative power and connection of Estragos Templonuevo.

The country’s government was already corrupt as it was. Leadership could be attained through overwhelming wealth. The never-ending cycle of corruption that had conquered Mexico was timeless.

It did not look that it would somehow improve at any point in time.

Estragos Templonuevo, the former chieftain of Templonuevo Cartel, was downright ruthless back in his time. He was a selfish bastard who thought of nothing, but his own pursuit of freedom from his own roots.

Having a recollection of all the horrible things that he had done in the past, he could say that he and Tal had been similar at one aspect—treating tasks as a stepping stone toward a certain goal.

His, on the other hand, took many lives. It was part of the process.

And completely unavoidable.

Estragos doubted that Tal could even catch up in his given lifetime. He did not mean to compare, but the freedom that was rolling in his palm had demanded a lot of sacrifices.

He never wished to be the heir—the successor of Templonuevo Cartel to begin with, yet it was never his decision to make. Through the years, their bloodlines followed one creed with regards to the order of succession.

He was next in line, destined to be the succeeding sick animal to lead and conquer.

Those deaths were not in vain—that, he was sure.

Estragos had a responsibility which he could not afford to ignore. Fighting back was futile, and he learned that the hard way. Eventually, he succumbed to the polluted environment that was sucking him in since he was born.

After the execution of his beloved wife, he only had one thing in mind. The Elders provided a letter containing all the goals that he must fulfil under his half-assed administration.

Once those had been procured, Estragos could step down earlier than the given timeframe of his governance.

It took him long enough, though.

It was hard to fight an internal battle every day, bending his own rule to comply with the ambition of others. He could only imagine what the predecessors had done to get away with this bullshit.

He lost the most important person to him because he chose to be stubborn.

For his dearest only son to get used to their world, he had to train him.

“What do you need them for?

“A video?” Tal questioned, unsure of himself, too. “The schlemiel will have to experience several kinds of abuse in different footages.

The old man, despite being honed and numb from all those years and their associated memories, was taken aback. “The recordings will be sent to the victim’s family,” he muttered under his breath.

Estragos was not proud of the activities he had executed in the past.

There was no limit to all the horrible acts after all. He knew his son better than anyone else, and he felt uncertain if taking after him was good news.

He did not felt proud and fulfilled on that part.

“Several shipments have been delayed. There are deaths of our men here and there. Two major connections have been severed due to mole infiltration. Assassination orders are given out. The latest catastrophe is that—one of the online systems has been hacked,” Tal explained.

Estragos nodded his head thoughtfully. “I take that Revo is livid.

“Beyond livid, Sir,” Tal corrected. “Although his expression does not show it, we all feel it.

“Of course,” the old man concurred. “I trained him for that.

It did not go unnoticed—the tone of bitterness in Estragos’ statement.

Tal remained quiet for a few seconds. “I did not mean to impose this on you—”

“I understand. This is not new to me. The last man who knocked on this door needed my assistance, too. It was weeks ago.

“I am confused, Sir. You wanted peace, so you stayed out of the organization’s radar in the past years. The concept of helping others has not left you since the retirement, I guess?

“It is all to protect this peace, Tal,” the old man finally acknowledged his name. After all, it was he—who gave him that nickname. “If getting indirectly involved is the way to keep the retirement battle-free, there is nothing I will slay.” Estagos looked him straight in the eye, and Tal felt a chill run down his spine. “You see, I am a very selfish man. I rose to the top, but it did not make me happy at all. I have lost the main source of that happiness in my greater pursuit of freedom.

Señora Almira.

Estragos chuckled. “Four, correct?

Tal blinked.

“I will provide four degenerates for the completion of your task.

“I owe you this one, Sir.” Tal bowed down his head respectfully. Nothing could top the appreciation he was feeling for the old man right now. “I will make sure to proceed without any delay.

“Come on. Do not make it big of a deal. Those degenerates will not guarantee the success rate of your mission. However, I believe that you could somehow pull it off,” Estragos said jokingly.

“I will not fail, Sir. That, I am certain.

“I am sure that what I hear is confidence—and not arrogance. Keep it up, kid.

“Would you like a copy of the Commander’s directive to review the details, Sir?

Estragos shook his head slowly. “I would appreciate it if you leave now, Talon Contreras.

Tal was surprised when the old man addressed him by his complete name once again. It only meant one thing—Estragos was calmly commanding him to get lost. It was an order that he used to hear back in the day.

He graciously offered a bow before he made his departure. He got what he wanted, it was enough. He should not abuse his stay.

On the other side of the door, Estragos was lost in his thought.

For beyond any doubt, he felt Revo’s resolve.

It would happen again.

The lost tale of his beloved wife… coming back to life.

Next chapter