The small group did not understand what was going when they saw Seung Woo take his jacket and leave.

“What are we supposed to do now? Inspector Choi didn’t leave any instructions?” Sung Min’s gaze switched from the two officers left in the basement.

Se Ra walked to the table and picked up a folder, “I guess we should start looking at the victim’s files.

Working on the Stein cases did not bother Se Ra. It was an excellent way to get recognition, which would have nothing to with her physique. Also, this allowed her to be with Seung Woo daily.

The doctor saw right. Se Ra harbored feelings for the chief inspector who represented the main reason for her asking for a transfer to Yongsan’s police station. Here the woman counted on proving to her sunbae she was not just a pretty face. Se Ra knew the investigator’s preferences. Seung Woo was the brain-over-bosoms type of guy.

Gwak’s eyes widened, “mwo, you guys want to work on this? You’re crazy; I’m out of here.

“I don’t think you are going anywhere.

The voice came from the door and made their heads turn; inspector Yong Dong Geun stood in the doorway while other officers disposited the files they brought on trolleys.

Detective Gwak’s face twisted in a sneer, “mwoya igeat? “[what’s this].

“Here are the files chief inspector Choi asked me to bring. You have all of Stein victim’s records from the beginning.

“What,” Gwak shook his head, “Hey, I don’t know what that suited-up inspector is playing at, but I didn’t ask for this; I’m out.

Gwak walked to the door and had taken a few steps when Dong Geun spoke, “if you leave this investigation, you can give your resignation. This is your last straw Gwak. We all know how you work; you better not cause Choi any trouble.

Gwak walked back for a face-off with Dong Geun, “is it blackmail?

“Take it as you wish, but that’s how this is going down.

Detective Gwak did not have many options. He already lost his inspector title; he strode back to his place, “what are you looking at?” He threw at Sung Min.

In the meantime, Seung Woo drove the doctor back.

“Step on it,” Dr. Noh ordered.

Gaze fixed on her wristwatch, the doctor counted every second as she tried to calm herself.

“What is wrong with you?


“You talked about building trust. What is it you are hiding?” Seung Woo said, switching his gaze from the road to the doctor every few seconds.

“I said drive.

Seung Woo pulled up.

“What are you doing? Are you crazy?

“No, Dr. Noh, unlike you, I’m taking this investigation seriously, there are lives and people’s job on the line, and you are acting like a complete psycho. So tell me, what is wrong with you? What is this thing with time?

“She’s coming.

“Nugu [who]?

“She’s here.

“Who, tell me who?

The doctor lowered her head; it was exactly like in a horror movie scene, where someone found herself possessed by some evil spirit. If it were not broad daylight, Seung Woo would have screamed and started running for his life like a headless chicken.

“정신 차려 Seung Woo-ah,” [get a grip on yourself] the inspector muttered. He did not know what to expect, but one thing was sure his legs had no attention to helping him run.

“Dr. Noh, Dr. Noh, can you hear me?

Seung Woo shook the doctor, but there was no response. He waited.

Slowly the doctor raised her head. She turned and glared at Seung Woo; tilting her head from side to side, she asked, “dangsin nugu? [Who are you, informal]

The voice and facial expressions were different. Moreover, there was this malicious gaze.

“Dr. Noh?

The doctor grinned, opened the car door, and started to sprint.

Seung Woo got out and chased her.

Fast, she dodged the cars as she ran in the middle of the street.

Seung Woo had a hard time following as he was careful to watch for his life.

Dr.Noh ran in the straight line, which led to Seoul station, and she stopped in front of a King of Smoothie, allowing the inspector to catch up a little before speeding off again.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Seung, who whispered. The inspector’s attire, now drenched in sweat, did not suit the moment.

Dr. Noh entered Seoul station and ran to the Lotte Markt, followed by the inspector. Once inside, Seung Woo searched every aisle. The supermarket was enormous; the doctor could be anywhere.

“Ahjumma waéguré, let me eat it’s free. You are meant to cook and give me to taste.

Seung Woo approached slowly like a hunter, ready to catch his prey.

“Do you know who I am?

The doctor spoke like a spoilt child, stamping her feet and making faces.

“Doctor, what are you doing?

Dr. Noh turned, “ajeossi [mister], this ahjumma [middle-aged woman] here doesn’t want to give me any sausages,” the doctor said and pointed at the woman who sniggered at the doctor.

“Mister, how I pity you, your wife seems to have a few problems. Aigoo, poor Korea, we have crazy psychopaths running the streets and michin [crazy] housewives running the supermarket aisles. Aigoo, saesaenage [sweet Jesus/ dear lord] what we don’t have to go through for a little money.

“Cheseongaeyo [sorry],” Seung Woo said as he took the doctor to the side by the shoulders.


“I’m not a doctor; I want sausages, give me sausages.

Seung Woo’s pocket jiggled, “just a moment, please,” he said to the doctor while grabbing his phone.

“Yeoboyseyo [hello].

“Ah, inspector, I’m a little worried. Please forgive me; I forgot to tell you at what time the doctor should be back.

“Sausages,” the doctor yelled in Seung Woo’s ear.

“Oh, eh, I guess, I’m too late,” professor Baek said at the other end of the line.

“SAU-AU-SGES,” the doctor yelled.

“Professor Baek, what is this about? What is wrong with the doctor?

“I can’t speak about it over the phone. Please hurry to bring Dr.Noh back.

Tut, tut, tut.

Next chapter