
It was Nina working at her office, going through some files when her mobile phone suddenly ringed which is placed at the pile of her desk. It was Sarah calling when she picked up the phone. “Hello babe, how are you doing?”, Nina said merrily. “I'm fine babe, I'm downstairs at your department, are you done with work?”, Sarah responded heartily.
“Yes, I'm almost done, babe, just give me some moment, I will be done and be with you shortly”.
Nina replied and she cut the call.

After some moment, Nina came out of the building holding her handbag and stepped to the parking space where she sighted Sarah waiting for her in her pink coloured Mercedes-Benz G69 2019 edition. Nina moved towards the car and opened the car door and got seated. “Today was a hectic day babe”, Nina tells out while she took a deep breath. “Sorry, babe, that's work for you, it can be so stressing sometimes”, Sarah responded as she tries to decrease the volume of the car radio. “So, where are you from like this”, Nina asked. “I just went out to get us some fresh new dresses ahead of meeting that Michael of guy”. Sarah retorted with a giggle as she tried to get the pack of the clothes at the back seat to show it to Nina.

Nina laughed hard as she collected the pack of the dresses. “So, tell me how it goes, what was his response when you met him this morning at home, I just hope he won't dishearten us”. Sarah added. “No, he won't, he entirely agreed upon the idea. He will meet us at my place at 9 pm”. Nina answered. “Yes”, Sarah shouted excited. “You seemed to like this Michael of a guy so much more than I even imagine and understand I guess”. Nina said with a smile. “Yes, babe, he's so handsome and full of confidence, I just picked up interest in him that very moment I opened him the door and set my eyes on him, he's the type of the man of my dreams baby, babe please I want him”. Sarah clarified blushing. “This is so intense babe, don't fuss on that, everything will be alright okay”. Nina responded while she rubbed Sarah's hair gently. 

“I think we should get going, where are you heading to now?”, Nina added. “I'm going home right away, I will meet you at your place later. Are you in your car?”, Sarah replied and enhanced. “Yes I'm in my car, I parked it over there”. Nina responded pointing the direction of her car. “Alright babe, just take everything easy okay. let me get going so that I can start arranging things”. Nina added as she opened the car door and tries to get down when Sarah obstructed her. “Babe, you forgot the clothes, go with them all, I will get dressed at your place when I come”. “Alright, babe”, Nina replied as she gets the pack of the clothes. “Bye, see you later babe”. Nina added as she banged closed the car door for Sarah and walked towards her car.

It was Michael and George driving at the street of the deceased.
“That must be the house sir because it shows house number 13 as it's indicated in the phone”. George said pointing at the house. Michael drove in front of the house and get the car parked. George immediately get down of the car and walked to the house entrance door and pressed the bell ring switch more than twice. 

“Yes, how can I help you officer?”, Her father asked George as he opened the door instantly. “It's an accident sir, your daughter Rachel. Come and identify whether she is the one”. George said. “What are you saying sir, which hospital?”. Her father responded nervously. “Not just hospital sir, the central hospital mortuary”. George Added as he turned back and stepped to Michael's car and left him all alone moaning.

The frightening sound of Rachel's father moaning makes her mother sprinted outside to check what's happening. She found him crying on his knees. “What happened”, Rachel's mother asked curiously and nervously. “She's dead! She's dead...”. That was his phrases to her continually. They all shrieked boisterously for some moment, Rachel's father asked her  “go inside and get my bike keys, we need to start going to the hospital immediately”. He said sobbing.

George met Michael in the car who is there waiting for him. “What type of disgusting world are we living in? This is so grossing out and disturbing George. So this technically means that the impoverished will never get the justice they deserved right and their lives are not secured anymore, what is our job then as officers of the law? You tell me, George”. Michael said resting his head on the car seat warped. “Sorry sir, easy sir, that was the type of administration we are working for and it's so depressing and painful that we can't do a thing about it”. George said relaxed while they sighted Rachel's parents rode their bike and left the premises. “Something must be done”. Michael shouted while he hits the car steering hard. He started the car engine and drives away.

Michael was driving on the road while his phone suddenly ringed and he picked the call. “Sir, please rush to the central hospital mortuary as soon as possible. They are making a ruckus Sir”. That was the first thing he heard from the caller when he picked the call. Michael instantly hit the brakes and takes a U-turn and head to the Central hospital mortuary.

Michael arrived at the central hospital mortuary, where he met a crowd of the deceased family and friends at the mortuary entrance door. One of the officers rushed to Michael's car as soon as he sighted his car parked. “Why is everyone enraged here”, Micahel asked the officer immediately he stepped out of the car. “Sir, the parents and relatives were busy contending and insisting that Rachel didn't kill her self. It was not a suicide as it was filed by the police department. Hence, they are not taking the body they asserted Sir”. The officer said while he gave his respect with a salute. “Anyway, I managed to tell them that you'll come and we'll talk after that”. The officer added while he tried to clear the way for Michael and George who is behind.

The officer cleared the way for Michael to Rachel's parents and try to calm them down. “The superintendent is here, he can only answer and talk to you if you stay calm please”. The officer screamed hard. The crowd abstained from being calm as they continued to argued with noise and disturbance. Michael discreetly rushed to his car where he looked for a pen and a small piece of paper. He wrote an anonymous short note telling the crowd to make the same ruckus at the police department station responsible for the case. He folded it and get back to the crowd, where he discreetly put it in Rachel's father pants pocket unnoticed by him. Michael then gave the frontline officers command to seal the mortuary and use corrective but nonviolence majors and get the crowd dispersed at the instant. He called out on George and they walked to his car and drives away.

Michael arrived at the station and asked George to arrange all the available officers on duty and tells them to be vigilant ahead of the crowd because he knows that they must be on their way. After a moment, the crowd arrived In multiple vehicles and bikes. They all headed to the station gate where they found it closed and started protesting. “Justice for Rachel, Justice for Rachel...”. They all shouted at the same time.

George dashed to Michael's s office and banged closed the door. “The crowd is here sir, they are protesting at the gate”. George said while he gave his respect with a full force salute. “Very good”. Michael acknowledged as he giggled. Michael brings out his mobile phone from his pocket and goes straight to his contacts and searched for the area commander number and hits the dialling button instantly. “Hello, sir, there is a big problem, the deceased relatives are making a ruckus right here in the station sir, you need and yearned you'd be here as soon as possible sir”. Michael said while he nervously listens attentively for The area commander to retort. “Alright Michael, I will be there with you shortly”. The area commander responded and cut the call. “Yes, thank God he falls for this”. Michael added as he adjusted his seat. “Go out there and make sure they maintained a peaceful protest and clutch them a little bit for a while”. Michael ordained George who is standing stiff at his front. “And again, notify me immediately you sighted The Assistant commissioner approaching the premises”, he added. “Okay, sir”. George answered while he gave another respect with a salute and gets out of the office.

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