
The anger on Michael's face turns into a smile all of a sudden, the moment he sights her. “oh my God” he said in his inner thoughts. “Yes please, My name is Michael and I'm your new neighbour,” Michael said with a smile on his face. “Can you please decrease the volume of that music, I'm trying to get some sleep”, he added.

“Oh, my name is Sarah and I'm not the lessor of the house, it's a friend, wait a minute” as she turns inside the house quickly with the intentions to call her friend. “Hey, Nina, your neighbour is here to meet you”, she said as she reduced the volume of the music from 
the home theatre.
“He's the new occupant to the house besides you” she added. “But why is he here?” she asked curiously. “it's about the high volume of this music I guess”, responded Sarah. At that moment, Nina puts her head down disturbed.

They both walked to the door, “Hello, my name is Nina, I'm so sorry about that, please and I strongly apologize”. Nina tells out with an expression of compassion on her face. “I just got a new job, that's why we are partying, I don't mind if you can join us”, she added cheerfully. 

“Wow, I'm so tired right now, I just got back from work and I desperately yearn some rest,” Michael said and added, “I promise to make it up to you guys some other times”. 

“Okay, no problem”, Nina said while Sarah joins her Nodded in acceptance. Michael was just busy stealing some looks at Sarah because he was so fascinated about her at the first instance he set his eyes on her. “I'll take my leave, see you guys around later,” Michael let out as he was busy smiling, “It's so nice meeting you guys”, He added and walks away while they both yelled, “It's nice meeting you too Michael”. 

He went and opened his house door, and walked directly to his master bedroom and fell on his bed weary. In a moment, Michael was fast asleep.

It's almost sunset when Michael's phone rang and he wakes to check on it. It was his  Mom calling, (on the phone) Mom asked why his number can't be reached earlier, telling she called to check on he reached and how he was coping with his new environment. She reminds him to eat his meals on time in the end and that everyone at home sends his regards. Michael appreciated the call as he sends his regards back to everyone at home.

He steps down from the bed as he fully gets undressed to take his shower. He walked toward the toilet and glide his luxury bathroom glass door. He dived on the Jacuzzi that was set nicely at the corner of the bathroom. 

It's already dark when Michael was done taking his bath. He walked out of the bathroom with a towel as he gets himself dried. He gets to his bag and opens it up while he was lost with the thought of dressing in his uniform or not. He finally agreed not to dress in his uniform.

After he gets dressed, He picked up his phone and dialled George's number, “Hey George, can you please get me some chicken burger and a cup of milkshake before I come there?”, “yes sure, right away sir”. George replied and Michael cut the call. “I need to buy some groceries” Michael mumbled.

He abruptly checks for his car keys as he looked around the room. “yes, there it is” as he sets his eyes on the car keys at the nook of the bed. He grabbed the keys and walked straight to the door. 

Michael closed and locked the house entrance door and walked to the car. He got seated, put on his seat belt and starts the car engine and drives away directly to the station.

Michael reached the station and parked. George suddenly appeared and opened the car door for him after quickly gave his respect with a force salute. “Where is my burger?” Michael inquired as he steps down from the car. “It's on the desk, in your office sir”, George retorted. They both walked inside and headed straight to his office. George hurriedly opened the door for him as they both entered. Michael quickly gets seated on his seat and grabbed the pack of his burger and started to unpack it.

While eating, “I hope all the units are in their designated posts for the night patrol today?”, Michael asked George who is standing firmly at the centre of the office. “Yes sir, all of them are already at the posts since”. George replied with heavy force salute. 

Get prepared George, We'll head out together for inspection. “yes sir”, George replied and gets out of the office after he gave his respect.

Michael was done eating after he took all his milkshake and cleaned his hands and lips. He grabbed his pistol under the table and checked whether it's fully loaded, he put it in his waist, stands up and walked to the door.

“George”, Michael shouted. “Yes sir”, George yelled from a long distance as he runs quickly towards him. “I'm ready sir”, George added while he gave his salute. 

They both walked out and headed straight to the car. George tried to run to the driver seat to open the car door for him. “Never mind,” Michael said raising his hand in dispute. They both got seated, Michael starts the car engine and drives away. 

They arrived at the first checkpoint. Michael finds a suited place and parked. He got down and walked to the officers on duty.

“Good day sir”, they all said while they quickly gave their force salute the minute they sighted him. “At ease officers” he responded. 

There are some parked cars and motorcycles in front of some barricades, the owners where busy having conversations with the police officers about their license, insurance, particulars and others. 

Michael heard someone shouting and talking in a drunken sense. He quickly walked forward in other to find out what is happening. It was a drunken motorcyclist talking gibberish to the officers. 

Michael was trying to get the situation under control when abruptly a black coloured Ferrari  Portofino runs in a massive speed and drive through the police barricades without stopping as all the officers tried to stop him.

“What,” Michael shouted irritated as he tried to run and catch him but he stopped, he knew he can't be reached. Michael was just staring at the car angrily as he just turns back to return to the checkpoint when he suddenly heard the sound of the car tires screeched in brakes, he quickly turns back as he saw the car taking a U-turn returning to the other lane of the road. 

Michael hastily runs back to the check post and asked George to help him carry one of the heavyweight barricades and they furiously crossed the other lane of the road and dropped the barricade on the car way.

The car tires screeched again due to the sudden brakes he picked as he saw the heavy barricade in front of his way. It's at that moment George has a glance at the car plate number and he realised that it was the Mayor's son Frank.

The driver instantly stepped down of the car while George was talking to Michael in uncertainty “Sir, please be calm, don't react I to whatever that he will say, please sir, I'll explain it all to you later”. 

“He's not aware of you, he is new to the job”, George tells out first to Frank. “Who's he, do you know the price of this car? your lifetime salary, that is the price of this car”. Frank yelled irritated while Michael just looked at him calmly with a gazing eye. “He's not listening to me and he's simply staring at me”. Frank added as he walks towards Michael in a fierce posture. George tried to calm Frank down by standing in his way refusing him the way to reach Michael. “Don't be angry, please sir, it's a mistake”, George said while Frank was trying to clear him out of the way. “To whom are you staring like that and showing heroism”, Frank said as he tried to advance to Michael when George blocked his way again, “He doesn't know you, it's a mistake sir”. “What is his name? He must call and meet me tomorrow if not, you're done”. Frank shouted pointing him with his finger. “What's his name I asked”, he added looking at George harshly. “Michael sir, his name is Michael”. George replied.

“You are not fit to even open my car door, how dare you stop my car”, Frank said pointing at Michael with his finger. “He will definitely come sir, the public is watching sir”, George responded.

Frank hissed as he opened his car door, starts the car engine and drives away in lofty speed while Michael still gazed at him in wrath way.

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