Chapter 18 Sales Activity Was Forced To Stop Again!

Because of the failure of after-sales service, they received customer's complaints one after another.

This only made Qin Xiao busier. She had to key an eye on the new market's marketing activities and meanwhile visited old customers every day to soothe them and solve their complaints.

Watching her work from morning to night without a stop for two days, Xiao Jingqian realized how tough Qin Xiao was. For the first time, he started to think differently over Lin Bingbing's poaching. Lin Bingbing was selfish, irresponsible, and short-sighted.

He regretted. Why would he stand up for Lin Bingbing that day? But his regret didn't help.

"Cousin, there is something wrong with the new market." Qin Yu dashed into the office, "Yang Ran.."

But she immediately muted when she noticed Qin Xiao was having lunch.

"What is it?" Qin Xiao dropped down the takeaway and got ready for it. Issues related to the new market always came first.

"We'll talk when you finish the salad." Qin Yu knew Qin Xiao well. Once she got the news, she would head right to the new market without having lunch.

"Qin Yu!"

Qin Yu was afraid of Qin Xiao, especially when Qin Xiao called her full name rather than the nickname. Terrified, Qin Yu spoke it out without hesitation.

"Yang Ran told me that the police came to the sales venue. They said someone reported the activity as unlawful assembly. The activity had to stop."

"Who's the reporter?" Qin Xiao had never encountered this situation before. It was early to tell whether it was plotted by someone on purpose.

"No idea." Qin Yu shook her head. Yang Ran was too scared to investigate who the reporter was. When Qin Yu told her to do the investigation. It's too late.

"If it was a routine check without troubles, then there's no need to panic. Resume the marketing activity right now. Let Yang Ran be alert to any suspicious person showing in the venue. I'll be there in the next few days."

The tuition told Qin Xiao that things were not easy. She had to be there.

Her tuition is excellent. The next day, the police showed up one more time, and the reason was the same. The activity was once again forced to stop.

This time, Qin Xiao was sure someone was targeting them.

"Miss Qin, the police have gone too far. It's the fourth time. They should know the report was malicious, but they still came here every day. If this continued, we wouldn't be able to continue the sales activity."

Yang Ran growled. It is because of those policemen that customers started to be skeptical of our company and our products. They thought this was because something illegal that the police came here.

After all, flies don't bite seamless eggs!

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