Chapter 14 Go Back the East Market

Qin Yu led a group of new faces into Qin Xiao's office. When she talked to Qin Xiao, she could not help turning back occasionally cause Xiao Jingqian was there.

[Why did he come here? Was he plotting anything?]

Qin Yu still held a grudge against him because he argued with Qin Xiao for Lin Bingbing in the headquarters.

Xiao Jingqian hasn't seen Qin Xiao for a week. She looks thinner.

Qin Xiao gave a quick glimpse of the new faces and turned to Qin Yu, "give them basic training. I need to take care of a marketing event in the new market."

She picked up the file on the desk and walked out of the office.

Xiao Jingqian frowns. It seemed that Qin Xiao didn't notice he was here.

"Qin Yu, is Miss Qin busy?" He couldn't help asking Qin Yu when Qin Xiao left in a hurry.

"Of course. She is the backbone of the company. How could she be idle? Thanks to you, she barely had the time to have a fine dinner over the past few days."

Xiao Jingqian's question irritated Qin Yu. It was because of him that she and Qin Xiao had to shoulder the whole company alone. He even accused her of abusing power in the workplace.

Qin Yu is a straightforward person. She would say anything she wants even though Xiao Jingqian was the CEO.

Xiao Jingqian thought Qin Yu was lying. But when he witnessed Qin Yu worked hard without a stop in the office for a whole day, he realized he's wrong.

Qin Xiao finally came back in the evening and presented the regular meeting. She was surprised and annoyed to see him again.

"Mr. Xiao, you shouldn't be here." She didn't hide her emotion and spoke it out. "You're not welcome. So Mr. Xiao, please leave!"

Xiao Jingqian had thought that Qin Xiao would not be happy to see him again. Still, he didn't expect her to speak it out to embarrass him.

Ever since he found out Qin Xiao was not a selfish person and didn't set Lin Bingbing up, he realized what she had done was reasonable. He and Lin Bingbing misunderstood Qin Xiao.

"Miss Qin, I came here to work. Don't make it personal." Xiao Jingqian replied. He didn't know why he came back here either.

Qin Xiao had to time to argue with Xiao Jingxiao. She stared at the new employees like a hawk and said, "Our east market is in great peril. You guys have to work hard and pull together to bail it our of plight. If you come here for fun, please leave as soon as possible. I wouldn't draw a blueprint for you. I need you to know the truth."

She was different from Lin Bingbing. She never made any unrealistic promises to new employees and treat her staff shabbily.

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