
Case 1: The Young Lady’s Assassination

A young man in his mid-twenties is standing upright, his figure comparable to the world-class models. He is wearing a bull cap, casual shirt, jeans, and a pair of running shoes. The passersby on their way to the hostage drama can’t help but look at the young man for two reasons: one, he is good-looking despite his face is slightly hidden by his lowered cap; two, he is standing on top of his car holding a binocular, his sight on the hostage drama afar. They can’t help but have a feeling of in between admiration and disappointment. The young man is too handsome, but unfortunately he is a voyeur. How many women he must have peek at?

Feeling the gazes on him, the young man stopped being a voyeur and hid his binocular after he found the blind spot of the criminal’s cordon on the bus. He gave the passersby a smile and immediately slid down his car.

“Haa… what to do…?” I muttered as I blew out air as my feet touched the ground. The front of my shirt was pulled up from the friction against the body of the car, revealing my slim and fair waist. A mermaid line can be seen after my low-waist jeans slightly lowered when I slid down.

“Mio-chan is too young to die.” I muttered as I put my fixed my clothes and opened the door of the backseat. The first to enter my line of sight is the women’s high-end clothes, which were provided by Suzuki Mio which I wore earlier, the high-heeled stilettos, and the wig. The disguise materials are sitting on the backseat. He is not afraid of being found out by other people. The least they could think he is a transvestite – even if he is not.


The man who delivered the rented car whistled as he drove away from the Seiken Academy. He is looking at the beautiful woman who is sitting at the backseat. Her face may have a cold expression but her beauty shadowed it. She’s so beautiful! A goddess! Can I ask her phone number? He thought, excited, as he took another peek. He saw her rummaging in her backpack, the sunlight passing through the car’s window shone on her, making her looked soft and gentle. A smile formed on his lips as he took his gaze back on the front, driving properly. It’s been a while since I last had a girlfriend… I wonder if I can? He thought, then his brows furrowed. But, does she not have a boyfriend? I remember, the one who called me earlier was a man. I wonder if he is her boyfriend? Huh - ? His brows knitted when he realized something. Where did that man go? I only saw the woman in the place he told me to pick him up. He’s nowhere to be seen. He frowned. He left his girlfriend? Seems so. Or else she won’t tell me to drive immediately. She must be mad at him and so she left him in anger. But… he still has kindness left since he called a car for her. He blew out air, his heart felt stuffy. He’s a considerate man. Even if I like his girlfriend, I still hope they can fix their relationship. It’s not nice for a couple to have a quarrel and be separated for a long time. He smiled, then relaxed his shoulders. He suddenly heard a rustling on the backseat, remembered that the woman was rummaging in her bag earlier. Had she finally found what she’s looking for? He thought when he heard the sound stopped. He stopped the car when it was red light. Then, he finally turned. “Hey, miss. Are you looking for – “he said, then felt something caught his throat when he saw a man sitting on the backseat. What the – “Who are you?!” he exclaimed, shocked, when he saw the man. The man’s hands are inside the backpack of the woman. His anger flared up as he thought the man is a thief. “Raise your hands! You thief! How did you get in the car? Where is the woman?!” he asked as he unstrapped his seatbelt and turned to look at the situation in the backseat. He put his knee on my seat to support his body as he leaned half of his body towards the back. “Where did you hide her – “he said, then caught his breath when he saw the woman’s curly hair inside the bag. He felt his blood became cold and his face went pale as a thought crossed his mind. “You… you killed her?” he said and looked at the man, horrified. His body shook in fear as he cowered back on his seat.

He was about to scream for help when the black curly hair fell from the backpack that wasn't closed. His eyes went wide in horror when he thought the woman’s head fell on the car’s floor. Then, he saw the hair laid flat when it touched the floor. He felt all his energy was drained out of his body and his fear was like a balloon popped by a needle. He looked at the ‘needle’, his face blank, then looked at the fallen wig again. “… you’re a transvestite?” he asked, his voice surprisingly calm.

The young man who has his hands raised looked at the driver. “… yes.” I answered, then looked at the green light when I heard the driver of the car behind us yelled. “You can drop me at the next street.” I told the driver.

Flashback end

No! This is just for a job! A job! He thought. I am neither a transvestite, nor a gay! He sighed and took the backpack, then closed the doors and locked it.

He went in the forest, hid behind a big tree, then stripped.

Inside the bus.

The leader of the criminals looked at his phone when it vibrated. A malicious grin formed on his scarred face as he turned to Suzuki Mio who has a peaceful expression on her pretty face, then turned to his companions. He nodded at them, then walked out of the bus. The criminals suddenly grabbed the students and the students screamed.

“No - !” one of them yelled and tried to kick the criminal who grabbed him. But, he was stunned in silence when the criminal balled his fist and aimed at his face. A gust of wind hit his face and hair. His face paled and sweat formed on his back when he saw the fist was only a centimeter away from his face.

The students who were grabbed also shut up, silently crying as they lament on their fate. They could only let the criminals drag them out of the bus.

The leader leaned on the bus as he mockingly looked at the policemen in front of him. “We will return 13 students. 13, an unlucky number, eh? After an hour, we will release the ones left. During that time, I want you to prepare a helicopter for us to leave. If you can’t…” he said and evilly smiled at the police.

The policemen felt sweat soaked their uniform. They can’t recklessly act. The students are both civilians and the heirs of the big businesses which mainly contribute to the country’s revenue. If ever one of them was hurt… their face went pale. The police in charge can’t help but compromise. He is just a small police officer. A small misjudgment and wrong decision will lead to the students’ demise.

“Fine.” He said through the speaker. Already an hour and a half passed during the hostage taking. There are only 20 students inside the bus. 7 will be left behind. He closed his eyes in helplessness.

Someone… please save these pitiful young people who can be our country’s future!

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