

Life moves on. Even when you don’t want it to. Even when you wish it’d slow for one fucking second to let you absorb what’s going on. My life has been moving with no break giving no time for me to comprehend what my life has become. It hasn’t given others the time to stop and look at me for a second, either. 

Luca was just another one of those things. She’d come and now she’s gone. 

“What’s gotten Becky boy all sulky?” Seb asks, as he walks into my room, like he owns it before chucking a beer can my way. Catching it out of pure reflex, I snap, “There is something called knocking the door, Torres. Where the fuck are your manners?” I don’t mean it, not really, because this man has been doing it for as long as I can remember. I could be jacking off and this man-child wouldn’t blink an eye. 

“In my room. Left it behind before I walked over to yours,” he deadpans. He throws himself on my bed, right next to me before opening his can. “So, let’s talk. What’s gotten your panties in a twist?” 

“About what exactly?” I ask, not quite understanding what this boy is getting at. I’ve been minding my own business, so what exactly am I supposed to explain, I don’t know. 

“LJ, dude.

Frowning, I shift to face him. “What about her?” 

Seb chuffs out a small laugh, his eyes twinkling in mischief. “B, you realise that you’ve been brooding since you ran after her at the café, right?” When I give him the blankest look I can manage, he shoves me. “Come on, you know I am right! What was that? Over a week ago?

“Why does it matter to you, anyway?” I divert the topic at hand because even if I want to talk to Seb about it, I can’t. Not when I don’t understand my reaction to her aloofness. I’ve kept my word, keeping away from her in classes even when I have this weird itch to get to know her. I don’t know if it is the hockey, the sex or her plain lack of interest in me. I guess, she was low-key right about a wounded man-ego. I’d been trying to get on her nerves that day in Greene’s and now she’s haunting me instead.

“It matters because,” the dark head sighs, “I feel like I might have pushed you two a little too much at Mason’s party.” He looks genuinely remorseful and I soften. Seb really is a big, fluffy, lost teddy bear beneath all that playboy shit. We give him the most shit and that’s because he gives us his worst too. But no love is lost. 

“Well, she said things that I should have probably already known,” I disclose. Seb is never the go-to man for such things. He’s the guy we hit when we want to have some fun without being judged. I’ve forgotten what it means for your listener to have that quality because that ultimately makes Seb a very, very good listener. Like now. He’s never been given credit for being a good friend in his own, childish ways.

“Which are?” he prompts, rearranging his long limbs, so that he’s facing me completely.

“That we can’t be friends and that we won’t be sleeping together again. I wasn’t even - fucking her wasn’t even on my mind, but even if it was, she doesn’t do repeats.” Not sure if I am feeling bugged because she said she wouldn’t sleep with me again or that she’s shutting me out before she even gets to know me. 

“Even if it’s someone like you?

“Especially if it’s someone like me.

“But you want to?” 

“I want to, yeah. Have you seen her, Seb?” This makes the jade-eyed boy grin. He slaps my shoulder, the grin morphing into something more pensive. “B, what about her is bothering you so much? She’s just another pussy, ain’t she? A good one, according to you, but I don’t think she’s worth you mulling over this. She’s not interested and usually even when they are, you’re not.” True.

Just about then Jay peeks through the door Seb had left open and leans against the doorjamb. “Are we having a heart-to-heart? Where is my invite?” Seb grins and pats the mattress. “Feel free to join. Becks is moping about LJ.” That is just about enough information for Jay to give me his concerned, fatherly look before he’s joining the two of us on my bed.

“Luca? What about her?” I bob my head aggressively, looking accusingly at Seb. “Yes, Seb. What about her?” The said man looks like deer caught in headlights and points at himself.

“Are you two trying to gang up on me?” Anyone who does not Sebastian Torres might have fallen for the wide, innocent expression is wearing right now, but we know him too well to buy his bullshit. Jay shakes his head with a chuckle before asking me, “You okay, B?

“Of course,” I assert. “She’s just a girl. Just another pussy.

My pretty eyed best friend snorts. “Yes, Jay. You heard Becky boy. LJ is totally another pussy. One that B wants to hit again and probably again if she allows it. Except,” he looks my way now and says, “girlie doesn’t do repeats, apparently. Even if it’s someone as good as B.

Shock colours Jay’s features and he gives me a betrayed look. “You told him that and didn’t tell me?” I can’t tell if he’s just being dramatic to pull my leg or if he’s genuinely offended that I had chosen to confide in Seb. I hadn’t really, more like it was manipulated out of me.

“Because it is not relevant. I’m just being a little bitch because she walked out on me first. That’s the first time that’s ever happened to me, hence all this…” I aimlessly wave my hands around, “Seb’s being nosy because he indirectly led to Luca and I fucking each other and now he’s feeling guilty about my hurt man-pride.

“Right, that’s what this is all about. Hurt man-pride.” Seb saying it the way he does, tells me he doesn’t believe me. Not one bit. I shoot a pleading look Jay’s way and he understands, quickly turning the conversation around with a simple question.

“I have been meaning to ask. Should we have pizza for dinner?

However, with that conversation that seemed like it ended with no solution came a little bit of clarity. I have become more accepting of the fact that all this curiosity is a result of Luca’s standoffish behaviour and has got nothing to do with how she refuses to make friends or smile, hides behind that sharp tongue of hers, those glorious hockey skills and fucks like she owns the person – body, mind and soul, for as long as she’ll have them. Which apparently is not too long.

Even so, when I walk into Greene’s class, my eyes are drawn towards her perched on the very same last bench I’d first seen her sit at, her attention-drawing pink hair that’s well maintained and seemingly retouched regularly, sitting atop her head in a ponytail. She’s slumped across the expanse of the chair, her fingers drumming over the table top to a tune that only she hears, her focus staying outside the window as she aimlessly stares. I say that because this is certainly not one of those classes that offer a spectacular view of what the CNU campus has to offer. My body betrays me and I almost walk over to take a seat next to her, but I catch myself. I haven’t done it in the past two weeks and I am not about to start now, especially when I know Luca is not above cursing me out in front of the whole class. She made her case clear and I am not going to the one going after her and chasing her. In fact, to be honest, there is no need for me to. I don’t even know her. She wants to keep it that way? Fine by me.

But when Greene mentions a partner assignment towards the end of the class and dismisses us, I find myself turning her way. Her expression is that of panic, her eyes flitting across the classroom as she watches people get together with people they know, people they are friends with. Then, they meet mine. 

“Hey!” My attention is snagged by a shrill voice behind me and when I turn to look at the source of it I am met with a bleach blonde with striking ocean blue eys and a grin on her face. Very pleasing, that is for sure. She’s angled herself in way that has her double Ds are sitting right in my line of sight. Looking up, I give her my social grin, one that is saved for occasions just like these. 

“Hey, back! I glance behind her to see the disappointed faces of two more girls who are also glaring daggers at the blond speaking to me. Oh, it’s like that. I shoot them a small smile before asking the one in front of me, “How can I help you…?” I drag that question, realizing that I don’t know her name.

“Brittany,” she offers, a huge smile stretching across her face. It looks forced, like she’s trying her best to be as friendly and cheerful as possible, but the botox isn’t really helping her. 

“Hi, Brittany! I am Beckham!” Brittany laughs, the tinkling kind that grates on my nerves. Still keeping up with the pleasant face, I wait for her to speak and when she does, I wish she hadn’t. “So… um, do you think we could partner up for this assignment?” I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off, “I know you’re busy with hockey. I am a fan, by the way-” It surely didn’t carry the tone she hoped it would – casual and nonchalant. “- so, you don’t have to worry about it. Just do some basic work with me and I’ll take care of it.” Right about then, I watch Luca walk past me on the aisle on my left, her eyes meeting mine for a brief second before she looks away. I hadn’t noticed before but she has some boxy shirt over a pair of sweatpants, her dark mid-riff toned and exposed. It reminds me of the night we had spent together, how her athletic body caught me off-guard before I had to remind myself she’s a hockey player herself. When Luca walks out, I abruptly stand, shocking Brittainy.

“So-” she starts, but I begin to push past her. “Excuse me.” The last thing I see before I rush after the woman I can’t seem to figure out is the pretty blonde’s jaw hanging at being subtly rejected.

“Beckham, I-” Almost at the door, I spin around and shoot her an apologetic look. “Sorry, I already have someone in mind!” I call out, sprinting out into the hallway to find Luca walking ahead of me, heading in the direction of the professor’s office. 

With complete awareness that I shouldn’t do this, I call after her, “LJ!” She stops suddenly with me almost running into her back when she whirls around. 

“Yes, Beckett. What can I do for you?” Her face tipped up is stoic, devoid of even the slightest twitch that I can possibly read into. It frustrates me as much as it fascinates me. 

I let it all out in a hurry. “It’s Beckham and you know it and let’s partner up for Greene’s class.” At this point, I’m kinda inclined to believe that Luca is a wooden doll that somehow gathered the ability to walk and be a human being. Because even now, there isn’t the slightest change on her face.

“And why would I do that?” she questions, her eyes going over my shoulders momentarily. I don’t look around to see, choosing to answer instead, “Because you need a partner and I would like to partner up with you. If you didn’t realise, that was a partner thingy.” 

She shrugs, like she ever so often does. “I’m going to her office to talk about it. I’m sure I can manage it myself. But thanks for offering, Beckham.” When she begins to move away, I grab her elbow. But with the glare she sends my way, I’m surprised I am even alive.

“I believe you already have people willing to be your partners.” She peers over my shoulder, “Go away, Beckham!” With that she walks away but something in me forces me to follow her and so I do and when she saunters into Greene’s office confidently, I go after her. Prof. Bitchiness gazes at the two of us over the rim of her glasses that are sitting dangerously close to the tip of her nose.

“Professor Greene,” Luca kicks off, “I want to talk about the assignment you announced in class today.” She flicks her eyes my way before focussing on the pink maned girl.

“What about it, Ms.Ackerman?” she drawls, thoroughly uninterested in whatever Luca has to tell that even I feel indignant about it. “I thought I made myself very clear with the instructions.


“I’ll have you know that while I am aware your season starts in two weeks but that is no excuse to not be on top of your work. Your academics count for the scholarship, right?

Luca’s jaw tightens and she nods. “Yes, it does, ma’am. And I am not here looking for any concessions. I’m here to ask you if I can do the said assignment alone.” Greene’s overly plucked brows arch at the request and she directs her scrutiny on me. “What about you, Mr.Hayes. You already heard me.

I hesitate. I just walked in with no plan whatsoever, so I spit the first thing that comes to my mouth, “I am here to ask if I can work solo too.” My potential partner’s neck snaps in my direction and her eyes widen at my request, like she hadn’t expected it. Shrugging, I look at Greene waiting for a verdict. With my schedule and the season only a week away, doing this project is going to be next to impossible, but I guess, it is what is it. I’ll do what I can. 

Finally, the professor pushes the precariously sitting glasses back up her nose bridge. Sighing, she links her fingers together and places in front her. “I’m sorry, but rules are rules, Ms.Ackerman, Mr.Hayes. I’m afraid you’re going to have to find someone to work with.” Then, she frowns. “With your schedules, I’d think group work will suit you better.

“I- That’s one of the many reasons I can’t do pair work. It’s difficult to coordinate schedules. Like you’d guess, hockey takes up most of my time.” The lie slips effortlessly off her mouth, like she believes it. Maybe, it’s not a lie at all. Maybe, I’ve been reading it wrong all along. It’s not that Luca couldn’t find a partner, she just didn’t want one. Did I just put my own foot in my mouth?

“Like I said, rules are rules. I don’t make excuses for college athletes.” Luca nods, as if she hasn’t heard that from Greene a hundred and one times before today. “So, I suggest you start looking for a partner. Maybe-” She sends a short, uncaring glance my way, “-Mr. Hayes and you can pair up. Your athlete schedules might fit.” For the first time, I think I might not hate Greene after all. Luca’s inhale is sharp, her hands tugging at the ends of her rucksack.


“Is that all, Luca? I’ve got an appointment in fifteen,” Greene all but sneers, her eyes fixed on the papers in front of her. Reluctance colours every inch of her body language as if she’s itching to argue but Luca finally whispers, “Yes, ma’am.” Ambling out of the room, I speak first, “It works for me. Us being partners.

Exhaling loudly, she whips her head, the ends of her gorgeous hair brushing past my face. “Beckham, what the fuck are you trying to pull? I though you said you were going to keep away.

I step forward, but she never backs down. “I’m asking you to be an academic partner, Luca. Stop acting like I’m asking you for a fuck.” Her mouth opens in an argument when I continue, “You don’t want to be friends? Fine. You don’t want to fuck? Well, my bad. I’m not about to force you. But this? This is just a fucking assignment and I’m just asking because guess what? I don’t have a partner either. Our schedules match like Greene pointed out. You probably work overnight like I do. It fits. That’s all this is, Luca. There is no intention past that.

She watches me like I am rabid animal she can’t make sense of. “Fine, you want to go look for a partner? Look. Good luck with that. I’m sure your social skills and friendly glare will help with that.

“You have- what’s her name?” she pretends to think. “Ms. Blonde hair, big boobs. You don’t not have a partner.” It appears as if she’s arguing just for the heck of it and it fucking annoys me.

“And I’m here, asking you! But, you know what? Fuck you!” I almost turn around when I change my mind, saying, “And fuck me for trying. You’re impossible. Is it that difficult for you to just be amicable for just a second and treat someone who is only trying to help you better?

Her jaw tightens again and I can hear the sound of her teeth gritting. “I don’t need your help, Beckham.” She makes the word sound almost dirty that it makes me flinch.

I scoff. “Yeah, well. You made that very clear, Ackerman.” I raise my hands in surrender. “I’m done. Sorry that I bothered.

I’ve seen a bunch of different girls, but one that pushes all my buttons as much? Never. And I think, Luca is just enough. If I know her at all, I’d think she’d manage to either find someone to work with, try to change Greene’s mind or worse, choose to fail the class out of sheer stubbornness. So, when I hear the footfalls of heavy boots and a husky voice behind me, I freeze.

“Beckham, wait!” 

Breathing out heavily in irritation, I look over my shoulder and ask. “What is it, Luca?

“Fine.” One word. That’s all she bothers with. No sorry. No apology in her tone. Nothing. 

I spin to face her. “Fine what?

Rolling her eyes, she huffs, “Fine as in let’s be partners.

“You’re not doing anybody favours here, LJ. You don’t have to settle.” I’d beat myself up later for saying that, but I don’t want an unwilling partner. Can’t work with one.

“I’m not. Let’s-” Admitting that she wants to work with me is like a defeat to her. It doesn’t have to be, but I don’t tell her that. I let her sit in that feeling for a bit. “-let’s partner up. You’re right, our schedules will match better and yes, I do work overnight.” I didn’t even think she heard me, but the woman is full of surprises, I suppose.

Pushing my hands into the front pockets of my jeans, I nod. “Sounds good to me. Your place or mine?

She arches a thick brow and I shake my head with a chuckle. “God, there is no winning with you, is there?

“Whatever. I live on campus and the dorm really isn’t conducive for overnight working. I heard you live off-campus. Will your place work?

“Yes, LJ. That works!

Next chapter