Chapter 12

That Sunday, I skipped practice with the rest of the group as Mom teleported all of her belongings out of the house. Not a good sign. After hours of her doing this while Dad was occupied at work, she finally seemed to finish. She looked over at me, smiling sadly. "Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?"

"I’m sure, Mom. This is where my school is now." I said as Koda loyally sat down by my feet.

"I’ll call, okay?"


"This isn’t going to be permanent, Anneliese, I promise."

"You better get going." I said, backing into the house. "Talk to you later, Mom?"

"You bet." Mom said, teleporting away with the rest of her stuff.

As soon as she was gone, Koda and I walked back inside the house and plopped down on the couch. "Are you okay Anna?"

"I’m fine buddy." I said, running my hand down his back as my phone vibrated. Pulling it out, I saw that I was getting a call from Keisha. Ignoring it, I turned on the TV to some old animated Disney movie, but after a few minutes, the movie cut off and was replaced by Keisha’s face.

"I got her guys!" Keisha said excitedly as everyone else crowded around what I assumed was her phone screen. I hadn’t exactly told them that I was skipping today. "Why didn’t you pick up?"

"Maybe because I want to be alone and watch what you replaced?" I said, rolling my eyes as I noticed the little light by our TV’s camera was on. "You do realize how this is an invasion of privacy, right Keisha?"

"We were worried." Becky said innocently.

"Why are you still at home?" Callum questioned. "You’re late. We were supposed to meet at the Treatorian Collective an hour ago. Aunt Beth isn’t going to keep that space reserved for us all day."

"I’m not going today. Family situation."

"Is everything okay?" Trayvon asked gently.

"Everything’s fine."

"Everything is not fine." Koda shot back, sitting up as I saw everyone’s surprised faces fill the screen, even Becky and Edward’s since they’ve never actually heard him talk. "Her mom just walked out on her and her father."

"Now Koda, you heard Mom. This is a temporary thing." I said, rolling my eyes as I looked at the dog.

"That’s not how you phrased it to me when you explained it a couple nights ago though."

"Well, I’ll be damned." Edward said, shaking his head. "The dog really does talk."

"You mean you didn’t believe her when she told you?" Becky said, rolling her eyes a bit. "Sure, this is the first time I’ve actually heard Koda talk, but that’s not something you just lie about."

"Is what the dog said true?" Keisha asked, completely chill with Koda talking.


"Anneliese, why didn’t you tell us?" Trayvon said, shaking his head in dismay as he walked away for a second.

"Because I didn’t want the attention?" I said, sighing heavily. "Look, even if I wanted to head there right now, I can’t."

"Why not?"

"Because my dad doesn’t want me to leave the house when there’s not an adult inside."

"So why don’t you just sneak out?" Callum asked.

"Because Dad had to deal with some emergency at work, and I’d be going to his place of work, so he would know that I’m violating his rule." I explained, rolling my eyes a bit. "I may want to get out of the house, but not at the risk of getting grounded for life. I do have some self preservation, ironically enough."

"We have new plan." Callum said, clapping his hands. "Just hang out there, okay?"

"What are you guys gonna do?" I asked cautiously.

"Don’t ask us!" Becky said, shrugging helplessly.

"Hang in there Anna, okay?" Keisha said before she turned off the face cam and the movie came back on TV.

After 20 minutes of sitting with Koda, someone knocked on the door. I got up and opened it to reveal Erika holding a plate of blue cookies. I tilted my head in surprise. "Erika, what are you doing here?"

"Well, you told me in Math that your mom was leaving today and I thought that you might want some company." Erika said, holding out the cookies as a peace offering. "My moms and I made these last night. Just ignore the fact that the chocolate chip cookies are blue. Both of my moms read Percy Jackson when they were younger and have made cookies like this ever since."

"Thank you..." I said, grabbing the plate. "You wanna come inside and hang out for a little bit?"

"If you want me too." Erika said as we both walked inside the house. Koda ran up to her as Erika bent down and started petting him. "This is Koda, right? The talking dog?"

Koda gave me a cautious look as I nodded. "You can talk in front of her, Koda. Erika can be trusted."

"Yeah! I’m Koda!"

"He’s so cute!" Erika cooed. "Is it okay if I hold you?"

"Yeah!" Koda said excitedly as Erika sat down on the couch next to me.

"So what are you watching?"

"No idea." I admitted. "I just turned on the TV and flipped it to this."

"Want me to put in a movie?" Erika asked, getting up and walking to the shelf with the movies.


"Let’s see..." Erika said, looking over the movies on the shelf, her eyes widening. "No way! You have the entire Infinity War Saga?"

"It’s technically called Phases 1-3, but yes. They’re my dad’s favorite part of Marvel."

"Does he not like the newer stuff?"

"Not really. He likes the OGs of everyone."


"Not that I mind though. Have you seen OG Captain America? Or OG Spiderman? They are some good looking people."

"You are not wrong." Erika said, grabbing a case and holding it up. "I’ve never seen Infinity War. Is it okay if we watch that?"

"Yeah, definitely." I said, hearing someone knock on the door again. "Huh… Wonder who that is."

"You aren’t expecting anyone else?"

"I wasn’t expecting you when you came over." I said, opening the door and seeing Callum and the others standing at the door with food. I sighed, crossing my arms. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We wanted to make sure that you’re doing okay." Callum said casually.

"And we figured that you would need food to cheer you up." Keisha said nervously.

"You best not deny my mom’s mac and cheese." Trayvon said, holding up tupperware above his head. "Everyone loves my mom’s mac and cheese."

"I’d like some!" Koda said excitedly, my eyes widening.

Erika walked over, looking down at Koda. "Should he be talking in an open doorway?"

"Way to go, Koda." I said exhaustedly, turning back towards Erika. "No. No he shouldn’t."

"What should we-"

"You guys better come in." I said quickly as everyone rushed inside, setting food down on the small coffee table as the previews started. I stared at Koda, rolling my eyes as I crossed my arms. "Koda, what did we say about talking when the door was open?"

"Not to do it."


"Because we don’t know who’s going to be standing there."

"Exactly. I just don’t want anything to happen to you, okay?"

"I know."

"Good boy." I said, bending down and petting Koda.

"Are you sure you’re doing okay?" Edward asked gently.

"I am perfectly fine!" I said, plopping down on the couch as the movie started playing. "I am positive that I am doing just fine."

"Anna, are you-"

"I’m sure." I interrupted, looking at the screen. "Now, if you guys are gonna stay, sit down and watch Infinity War with us."

Everyone shrugged and sat down to watch the movie. About one hour into Avengers Endgame, Dad walked through the door carrying take out boxes, smiling at the teenagers gathered. "Thought I saw a familiar car in the driveway. Can’t say I recognize everyone else though."

"Hi Anna’s dad." Callum said happily.

"Dad, these are more of my friends from school." I explained as everyone but Becky and Edward introduced themselves.

"Well, nice to meet everyone." Dad said, smiling at everyone as he set the boxes down on the kitchen table. "If I knew that other people were gonna be here, I would have ordered more food."

"That’s okay, Mr. Andrews. We brought our own." Keisha said, motioning to the food in front of us.

"Wow, you kids have been having a feast." Dad said, sitting down in a chair in the corner of the living room.

"I wouldn’t exactly call it a feast, Dad."

"Yeah!" Becky agreed enthusiastically. "It’s a mukbang!"

"A muk-What?"

"It’s a food eating thing where you eat and talk." Edward said casually.

"So, could I muk in this bang with you guys?" Dad said, grabbing the food he brought and setting it down in the center of the coffee table.

Erika giggled as I rolled my eyes. "Dad, never say that again because that was so freaking cringy."

"Okay, okay. I’ll never say it again." Dad said, raising up his hands. "Now, who wants some mozzarella sticks and calzones!"

We all laughed and ate food until it was all gone. Everyone left maybe two hours after Endgame ended, leaving me, Dad, and Koda alone in the house. We were all silent for a minute until Dad cleared his throat. "Your mother left already, didn't she?"


"I’m surprised that you didn’t go with her."

"Why would I go with her?"

"Because she’s your mother."

"Dad, I’m staying here, okay? This is where my school is and this is where my friends are. I’m here with you."

Dad smiled. "I love you, honey."

"I love you too, Dad." I said, hugging Dad tightly. This situation isn’t ideal, but we’ll try to make it work. It’s the best we can do right now, and that’s what you need sometimes. The best we can is what we need right now.

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