III: What Do I Do?

Marie turned towards me.

"You know what you have to do, God has given you the healing powers, Lyrah, and if God wills, Hyram can live again." Tears slipped down her cheeks and she left me alone in the room.

My body felt like it would crumble down if I took a step forward but I mustered up some courage and walked towards the bed, just like in the dream.

The same chair was placed beside the bed, and I sat on it too.

But nothing happened the same as the dream afterward.

I looked at the pale boy, named Hyram, lying as he looked like saying goodbye to life.

I recalled the dream, I had put my hand on his forehead and he had breathed.

But it wasn't as easy to do in reality as it was in the dream.

The puzzle was solving itself, Marie said he was her brother, she called the King, father. She was the crown princess, Hyram was the crown prince.

And this family was my enemy.

I looked at Hyram...the crown prince was dying, wasn't it a great opportunity to get revenge? To not heal him and let him die.

I lowered my head. Shame filled my heart as I closed my eyes and the smiling faces of my parents flashed.

They were always so kind, even after what happened to them.

It felt like a battle, to decide what to do.

If I thought of healing him, I was remembered of all the pain I saw my parents in. If I thought of leaving him, my heart reminded me of all the lessons of kindness and forgiveness my parents taught me.

What do I do?

Mom, Dad... I couldn't help when my heart felt heavy and tears ran down my cheeks.

"Please." The light whisper made me open my eyes.

It was visible how hard he was trying to keep his eyes open, the same honey eyes. Pleading for help.

He is sick, Lyrah. What would've my parents done?

They would've helped him, of course, no doubt.

A choked sob left my lips as I placed my hand on his forehead. His body was cold as ice, the same breath he released, the tear that fell from his eye as he closed them calmly and my glimmering hand.

Everything was the same but some things were different.

As seconds passed I felt colder than before and shivered more. He was getting warmer, gaining color and his skin was slowly getting littered with golden sparkles. It was the moment when I felt our bodies had reached the state of equilibrium I pulled my hand back.

My hand was shaking, still gleaming under the light of chandeliers and I felt exhausted, the feeling of being beaten and bruised.

Hyram was healed, indeed, but what was happening with me?

"Marie." My voice was nothing above a mere whisper.

Trying to stand up I lost my vision. And that was the last memory of the night in my mind.

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