Best Friend's Lust

                   ๐Ÿ’”Chapter 6๐Ÿ’”

                   Kira's pov

My Ryan! What happened?

I can't afford to lose one of my twins. I can't.

I won't be able to take it.

    I waved my hands at the coming cab and shouted, "Emerald Hospital! I need you to drive fast." I said to the driver.

     "Hey! You have to calm down!" Te driver scoffed but that's not my problem now.

I need to get to my son.

How did Rhian took his brother to the hospital?

'Someone must have taken them to the hospital' My subconscious answered.

   Aissh! Ryan be strong for mummy. 

About 20 minutes later, I got to the hospital, and ran inside.

"Ma'am, you haven't paid your fare!" The cab man yelled.

"I'm sorry, take." I walked back to him, giving him the money and turned back to the building.

I rushed in like I was pursued. Panting, breathing heavily.

I swallowed some amount of spit before going to the reception area.

"Ma, do you see a boy and a girl? The boy was hit with a car." I asked the nurse.

"The children are twins?" She narrowed her gaze at me.

"Yeah. Twins. A boy and a girl. Please, can I see them?" I gulped, trying to calm myself down.

"Okay, let me check if the boy's file is here." The nurse said, scrutinizing every files on the table.

"Okay, here it is. Ward 12. That's where he is.

A man brought them here. Just go to that direction." She directed me to the ward and I dashed off.

I didn't knock before entering into the room. I looked around to see my son on the hospital bed and Rhian sitting beside him.

She was whimpering.

    "Rhian!" I called, running to where she was sitting.

I glanced at Ryan, his head was bandaged with his hand.

I heaved a sigh, the fact that he's still alive, breathing again.

"What happened? How did he get hurt?" I asked Rhian.

"Mom!" She paused and sniffed.

"We wanted to go home by ourselves." She answered finally.

"What! Rhain, you want to do what? Why would you think of such? What made you do that?" I shrieked.

"What if you were kidnapped?" I added.

Argh! This children always scare me out. 

I won't be surprised if I finally have hypertension. Cause this kids can make one's blood go high.

   "We are sorry, mom. We'll never do that again?"

"Of course you won't do that again, so you can do another one that'd make me land in the hospital." I sighed.

"You don't know what I'm going to face later" I muttered.

The champagne bottle I broke,the beef stew I poured and even the glass cup I broke too.

I'm gonna pay for that.

I don't even have the money to pay it.

         "Who brought you here?" I furrowed my brows at her.

She looked up and answered, "The strange man"

I narrowed my gaze trying to process what she said well.

'The strange man'

"Which strange man?" I inquired.

"The...the man who bought us ice cream. He was the one who hit Ryan with a car."

I gasped.

What the hell!

"And what are you doing that made Ryan got hit?"

"Ryan was pursuing Anna cause she called him an idiot. He didn't know that a car was coming. And that's how he got hit" Rhian explained.

    "Where's he? I mean the man, where did he go?

"I don't know, but he told the doctor he'd be coming back tomorrow morning." She responded.

"At least he didn't crush my son to death." I glimpsed at Ryan on the bed. He had an oxygen mask on.

A tear came out from my eye and a sigh followed.

Thank God I didn't lose him. Else...

     A doctor came in to check his health and she'd told me that Ryan will be fine.

      I took Rhian home so she could take her uniform and eat lunch.

I packed some food for Ryan and went back to the hospital with Rhian.

    I sat beside Ryan on the bed, holding his hand and hoping for him to wake up and see his mama.

His fingers moved one by one. My eyes dilating as I saw him opening his eyes. 

"Mom? Is that you? I can't see you clearly." His voice totally hoarse.

"Oh your vision is blur. You almost gave me a heart attack when your sister told me what happened?" I held his hand gently while I also stroke Rhian's hair.

    "I'm sorry, mom." He said.

"It's okay. I'm not angry with you. Just be careful next time okay?"

Ryan nodded.

"Would you like to eat?" I raised the nylon that had food in it.

"No, I'm not hungry." He shook his head.

"You're sure?" I questioned.

"Yes, mama"


     The same doctor that had come to check on Ryan came again.

He removed the oxygen mask from his face and I was glad.

"I think you should be able to go home by tomorrow. Hmm...tomorrow evening." The doctor smiled as he took the oxgyen mask away.

    "Are you breathing fine now?" I asked Ryan to be sure he isn't having hard time in breathing.

"No, I'm breathing fine." He answered.

I glanced at Rhian, she was sleeping peacefully on my lap.

   "Ma'am, the man who brought those children are here. And he wants to see you." A nurse in blue uniform said as she entered the room.

"Take me there" I responded, putting Rhian beside Ryan on the big bed.

     "Okay ma'am."

   We walked in the hallway and got to the reception but couldn't find anyone.

"Mary, the man said he couldn't wait, that he had to go somewhere important. He'd be coming tomorrow evening." Another nurse from the reception told the one beside me.

"Ohh! Okay then" She answered and faced me.

"He already left. He will be coming tomorrow evening" She spoke and left me.

Really? He left?

He didn't even wait for me to even say thank you.

At least, for not crushing my son to death. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

And at least, thank him for taking him to the hospital and for the expenses.

I sighed deeply and walked back to where I'm coming from.

I'd get to see this man tomorrow evening and thank him.


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