Chapter 7

Florence couldn't wait for Saturday. As much as she hates to admit it, she's pretty psyched about the fact that Charlie is going to bring her in this huge Halloween party this weekend as their date.

She was in the convenience store, working, waiting for her shift to end. It was 3:47 in the afternoon and her shift ends at 4. Just a few more minutes and she's going to be free.

Florence couldn't wait for Saturday.

She kept smiling to herself and she doesn't know why. She started to like Charlie, she kept fantasizing and daydreaming about him.

'He carved his name on this dude's arm when he got mad for no apparent reason..'

Alessa found it weird, every time Florence would talk to her, their only topic would be Charlie and how nice Charlie was and that people should stop judging him. She,was like under Charlie's spell.

Florence couldn't wait for Saturday.

'He killed his next door neighbors and threw them in the morning trash because they keep making their dog shit on his yard..'

She kept smiling to herself and she doesn't know why.

A guy came barging in the convenience store pushing the door too hard almost making the little bell on the door fall.

"Its the first time in ages that you weren't late for your shift, Collins." Florence rolled her eyes at her coworker.

"You should be thankful you know?" Chad teased her, "You can go now-"

"Nah, I'll stay here for a bit" She exclaimed, grabbing one of the chocolate bars from the rack, not caring about the expiry date.

She kept smiling to herself and she doesn't know why.

"You could get food poisoning because of that you know, and hey! You need to pay for that!" Chad scoffed,

Florence handed him 10 cents, "Here!" She exclaimed taking a bite on her chocolate bar.

"You look alive, like.. a normal person these days. What's new?" Chad asked curiously. It was true though, Florence was always happy.

Florence couldn't wait for Saturday.

"I don't know." She shrugged, lying.

"C'mon tell me! We've been coworkers since the day you first moved here" Chad crossed his arms on his chest.

"Fine, I got asked out on a date this weekend" She rolled her eyes.

"Who did?"

"Uhm..I don't think you know him even if I tell you."

'He carved his name on this dude's arm when he got mad for no apparent reason..'

"It's a small town, Florence." He bit back, curios.

"Uh-I don't know-"

'He killed his next door neighbors and threw them in the morning trash because they keep making their dog shit on his yard..'

"Cmon, everybody here knows everybody."

"This guy named, Charlie." She swallowed.

'He carved his name on this dude's arm when he got mad for no apparent reason..'

Chad almost fell on his seat, "C-Charlie Cohen?"

She nodded.

'He killed his next door neighbors and threw them in the morning trash because they keep making their dog shit on his yard..'

"Are you fucking crazy?!"

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