Chapter 37


- Are you okay? my boss asks as soon as I end the call.
“Yes, I'm fine now.
- I answer more relieved, after I finally managed to talk to Alex.
- He is coming?
– my boss asks, giving me a tissue to blow his nose.
— Yes, thank God.
He is coming!
        Rubens starts talking to me while Alex doesn't arrive.
My cell phone rings, I answer without looking at the caller ID and say.
"Hi, love, are you here yet?
" I ask fondly.
"I knew you loved me, Jackeline!
" I hear Michael's voice and roll my eyes.
— Michael?!
Sorry, I thought it was my boyfriend! I answer sincerely.
- So it is true.
You're dating that clown! He growls and I roll my eyes again.
- Yes I am!
I confirm and look at my boss and it's his turn to roll his eyes.
— Does the boss know?
he asks and I hear a hint of hurt in his voice.
— Yes, he knows!
- I answer receiving support from my boss.
“Jackeline, why don't you give me a chance?
he begs.
“Michael, for God's sake!
I never loved you, I will never feel anything for you. And if you continue to insist on this, we will even lose friendship! I say losing what little patience I had.
"I love you, Jackeline!
" - he says.
- But I do not!
You need to understand this. For the love of God! - shout.
“Try to calm down, Jackeline!
my boss asks when the monitor starts beeping and the doctor and nurses enter the room.
“How am I going to calm down, boss.
If Michael doesn't understand I want nothing to do with him! I explode nervously.
"I will fight for your love!
" he yells in annoyance into the phone.
“Go to hell, Michael, and leave me alone!
I yell and end the call.
you need to calm down!" — the doctor warns. He looks at the monitor and checks my blood pressure.
“I'm trying…” I breathe a little hard.

“Miss Baptista, if you don't calm down, I'm going to have to sedate you.
— the doctor warns, also arranging the oxygen.
— My daughter, try to stay calm.
Your boyfriend will arrive shortly,” my boss says.
“Now, I want you to breathe in and out, breathe very slowly,” the doctor asks.
And after several minutes, I start to feel more in control.
- That.
Now yes! — the doctor praises.
“Thank you, doctor,” I thank you.

- Are you feeling better?
- question.
“Yes, I am, doctor.
Thanks! — I thank you again and when I was going to speak, but something, I hear Alex's voice:
- What happened to you?
Alex asks, I could tell he was shocked.
Glad you came!" I reply.
        He comes to me, hugs me and kisses me very passionately.
At that moment, I even forget that there are more people in the room and I just surrender.
“Oh, for God's sake!
control yourselves. I hear the voice of an unknown man and smile.
“Sorry,” I reply awkwardly.

“Don't worry, Miss Baptista.
It's good to see you're doing much better! the doctor jokes, making me blush.
— Doctor, I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend.
Alex Mendonça — I introduce you to my doctor.
— Nice to meet you, doctor!
- Alex greets him.
- It's my pleasure.
My name is André Santos and today I'm taking care of your girlfriend,” he replies, greeting him.
— Doctor, why is my girlfriend here in the hospital?
I ask worriedly.
—Miss Baptista was admitted here to the hospital with a condition of poisoning — the doctor replies.

— Poisoning?!
What do you mean, was she poisoned? Alex asks shocked.
 And the doctor starts to report what had happened to me and, when he finishes, he warns.

— The police have been called and they are already here, waiting to speak with Miss Baptista.

— Okay, doctor.
I'll talk to them - I answer now more calmly, since Alex was on my side.
“I'll come back later to check on you,” the doctor says and I agree with him.
As soon as he leaves, Alex hugs me carefully and kisses me again. Feeling his lips makes my body quiver with excitement.
“My God, people!
I think we better get out of here! - I hear my boss's voice and I stop kissing Alex, I smile awkwardly.
— Alex, this is my boss, Rubens Peres — I introduce him to my boss.

— Nice to meet you, Alexandre Mendonça.
— They shake hands in greeting. I keep looking at the man who arrived with Alex and he says
— Jackeline, this is my friend and lawyer, Humberto Castro.
Humberto, this beautiful woman is my security, Jackeline Baptista.
— Nice to meet you, security, Jackeline Baptista!
- He greets me smiling, looks at my boss and greets him too.
- It's my pleasure!
I reply smiling.
- And now, since we've all been introduced, let's wait for the police  to arrive so we can end this long day - Alex comments and I agree with him.
What a day! I can't wait for him to finish.
— It's good that I'm here to help you with the depositions — Humberto says.

- It is true.
Glad you're here. Thank you very much.
  I hear a knock on the door, a nurse enters the room, looks at me and says:
— Miss Baptista, the police are here.
Can I let the officers in?
         I nod my head.
The nurse opens the door and a couple enters, who identify themselves as Carla Faria and Marcos Alves. After greeting everyone in the room, police officer Faria says.
— Good evening, Miss Baptista!

— Hi, good night, officers, this one next to me is my boyfriend, Alexandre Mendonça, his friend, Humberto Castro, and my boss, Rubens Peres.

“You are recovering from an assassination attempt.
“Yes, it's true,” I agree with her.

"Then I want you to tell me everything that happened to you," she asks.
“Oh, if you don't mind, I'll record your statement. How is everything? she asks, I look at Humberto, who nods in agreement. I start to tell everything that I remember, the police officer listens to me carefully and when I finish reporting all the facts of my day, she says.
"I see...
Do you have or have you had a problem with someone?" the policewoman asks.
"What would it be like to have a problem with someone?
" I ask without understanding.
"Have you been fighting or having a disagreement with anyone?
" – Police officer Alves asks curiously.
In fact, I get along with everyone,” I say sincerely.
"And that girl you were talking about just now?
" my boss remembers and I look at him crookedly.
— What girl?
- Alex asks curiously, I let out a long sigh and end up giving in, saying.
" I grumble.
"And who is this Renata?
" – asks police officer Faria.
“It's my maid,” Alex replies.

— And why did you have a disagreement with this Renata?
the policewoman asks curiously.
"It wasn't a disagreement!
" — I declare.
“Of course it was,” my boss replies, and I look at him crookedly again.
I didn't want Alex to know about the problems I was having with Renata, because of jealousy.
"So there's a disagreement going on?
" – Police officer Alves asks.
“Come on, Jackeline, tell me what's been going on between you and Renata,” Alex encourages me.

- OK, let's go.
Renata hasn't treated me well since the first time I was in her apartment, Alex.
— So this Renata didn't like that you were living in the apartment?
the policewoman asks curiously.
“Actually, I don't know if she didn't like me or my presence there.

— Why didn't you tell me you had a problem with Renata?
Alex asks curiously.
“I didn't want to cause trouble.
And I thought her pet peeve was jealousy of the kids.
— Renata can't say anything, let alone mistreat you inside my house!
- Alex declares.
“I know that, only she likes you,” I warn.

"Only I don't like her!
- I believe in you!
I answer sincerely.
— So, apart from this Renata, is there anyone else who doesn't like you or wants to harm you?
– Police officer Alves asks and I notice a bit of irony.
"Oh, that I remember, no!
" — I am sincere in my answers.
"There's Michael!
" my boss remembers and I glare at him.
"Wow, you have an excellent memory," I reply ironically.

"And who is this Michael guy?
" – Police officer Alves asks.

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