Chapter 35


  I look at the clock and it's time to go to the Hotel. I grab my stuff, check my cell, and there's no missed call or text from Jackeline. What happened to her?
“Don't get paranoid, Alex!
I ask myself.
         I take my cell phone, go to the search engine and enter the name of the barracks, get their contact number, save it.
I don't want to sound like a clingy boyfriend, but I was worried about my little brat. So I decide to call. The phone calls, calls, calls and, when I go to drop the call, I hear a voice that says the name of the barracks.
— Good afternoon, I would like to know if Miss Baptista is here?
- I ask anxiously, to hear the voice of my little marrentinha.
— Good afternoon, who wants to speak with Baptista?
asks the girl who answered the call.
— It's her boyfriend, Alexandre Mendonça — I answer quickly and mentally curse myself, because Jackeline will kill me when she finds out that I called her on duty and introduced myself as her boyfriend.

“Wait a minute, I'll check on her,” she asks.

        While I wait for the girl to return with news from Jack, I leave my office, stop at my secretary's desk and announce.

— Leticia, I'm not coming back today.
- I declare, saying goodbye to her.
— Okay, Mr.
Mendonca. See you tomorrow.” She says goodbye.
        I'm waiting for the elevator and I remember how terrified my little marrent is.
A smile appears on my face at that memory. The elevator arrives and nothing from the attendant gives me a return with news from Jack. Suddenly I hear a voice.
"Who's looking for my girlfriend?
" – the idiot asks and I roll my eyes, I reply:
— It's me, Alexandre Mendonça, Jackeline's real boyfriend!
“I would like to speak with her.
- She is not here!
He responds and I get really pissed off at him.
“Michael, please, I want to talk to her.
Now! - I ask losing patience.
“I already told you she isn't and even if she was.
I wouldn't call her. — The will I have is to send him to hell.
“It's good that you're not lying to me, Michael!
— I threaten him.
- Or what?
Will kill me? - he mocks.
- To kill?
No! I answer sincerely. “I just think it's time you realized that Jackeline doesn't want anything to do with you.
'She wants me!
' He just didn't realize it. The asshole says and I laugh.
- Oh yes?
— I mock. — Glad she didn't realize! This is never going to happen. I can guarantee you that!
— Fuck you!
He yells and I laugh.
— Yes, I will.
Fucking nice with my girlfriend, you asshole! I answer and he hangs up on me.
        The elevator arrives in the parking lot, I head towards my car, get in and, before leaving, I try to call Jack again, who doesn't answer.

“Where are you, little marnt?
I ask myself.
     I put the car in motion and call Humberto and leave it on speakerphone.
He takes a while to answer, but when he answers I say:
"Damn, why did it take so long to answer?
" — I rant.
“Sorry, I was just finishing up the paperwork,” he says.

-Everything is ready?
I ask anxiously.
“Yes, everything is ready.
Are you already arriving? he asks anxiously.
-I'm on my way.
I will arrive shortly and wait for you at the hotel reception.
I'm leaving now,” he warns.
       I arrive at the Hotel Plaza, an imposing and luxurious hotel, I look around, looking for Humberto, I don't see him.
I'm looking forward to putting an end to Veronica's farce, but what I really want is to run away to look for my little marrent.
"Well, well, it's finally arrived!
" — I hear Humberto's voice with irony.
- Apologies for the delay.
I caught some traffic, excuse myself and head to reception. I take the room key, look at the receptionist and say:
— Anderson, until what time are you going to stay here at this post?
I ask curiously.
“I'll stay until seven o'clock, sir,” he replies.

- Can you do me a favour?
I ask, tipping him.
“Yes, of course,” he says when he sees the money.

— A girl named Veronica will arrive, she will ask which room I'm in.
Before she goes upstairs to find me, can you let me know?
- Of course yes!
He responds excitedly.
“Oh, one more thing!
If she asks if I'm alone, please confirm! - I ask.
— No problem, Senhor Mendonça — I thank him, and with Humberto I go to the bedroom.
I look at my cell phone and Jackeline still doesn't show any signs of life.
- Some problem?
— Humberto wants to know.
“I'm worried about Jackeline!
— I check my cell phone again.
"And who would this Jackeline be?
" He asks curiously.
“It's my security,” I reply simply.

- Safety?
- He asks surprised. - Yes, Rafa hired security to protect me.
— And where is she?
he asks sarcastically. Looking around as if looking for her.
   - I do not know.
She's missing! That's why I'm so worried. "Is she just your security?" And she shouldn't be with you
at this moment?

              “My God, man.
How many questions! — I complain.
— I'm just curious — and defends itself.

— It is understood.
I grumble. — Well, this is the room — I warn, I open it when I pass the key, Humberto whistles in admiration.
" he comments, still in awe.
- I agree!
I reply.
— Well...
Now let's get everything ready! - he says all excited and starts installing microphones and micro cameras in the room. I observe his agility and follow him to the bathroom, where he has gone with his laptop to connect the entire system, and he finishes his work.
- Damn it.
Are you sure you're not FBI? “I'm shocked.
— Oh, I do!
He says smiling.
      I check my phone again and Humberto says.

“My God, man.
You're behaving like a worried boyfriend.
She's my girlfriend!" I confess and get a shocked look.
- What?
- he says surprised.
“That's what you heard,” I say simply.

- You're dating?
— Humberto is astonished.
- Yes I am.
I don't understand the reason for so much astonishment. - I want to know.
"I'm surprised, because then...
" he doesn't finish talking.
“I know… After Sarah died, I didn't get involved with anyone,” I agree.

"That…" he replies awkwardly.

“But this woman is changing my life,” I say.

- You are in love?
he asks.
"Yes, I am and so is she!
" — I am convinced.
" he replies.
- Yes I agree.
- Everything is ready? I ask.
— Yes, let the bitch come!
— Humberto celebrates and I laugh.
“I can't wait to get rid of her,” I reply.

'You'll be out soon.
' Now put this here on your chest. - he asks.
“Damn, what's all this for?
I ask curiously and place the microphone on my chest.
“We need to have good audio and that will help.
Just don't let it touch her chest, because she can't suspect anything! He says and I smile.
"I don't want her to touch me!
" I reply with disgust.
— Well, now go to the room to test the sound, because the images that appear here are great, just need to check the audio - he says.
I leave the bathroom, he closes the door, I go to the bedroom, I say a few words.
— Is it okay here?
— I speak to him.
- It's all OK.
I could hear everything. — The phone rings and I answer:
- Hello?
— I hear the voice of the receptionist:
 — Hello, Senhor Mendonça, your guest has arrived.
Can I release her entry?
- Thanks.
Yes, of course, you can order it up! I thank you and hang up. I realize that there is no drink available in the room, so I call reception and ask for the best champagne in the hotel. And Humberto says.
"Damn, champagne?

“Yes, to celebrate our victory… and of course I'll let you have a drink.
- Humberto rolls his eyes.

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