“I don’t know them, Javier.
I'm second in the top now and they can't accept that.” He heard her complain on the other line.

He was just shaken by what he heard. “Do you think I don't know you? You’re causing trouble again, my love.” He teased the woman.

He heard the smirk of his beloved on the other line, so he was even more shaken.

“You know me very well. Anyway, I’ll see you later after my class. Bye!” It said goodbye to him before the call was ended.

He stared at his phone for a moment where there was a picture of the first woman he loved. He smiled when he saw her lively smile again.

"Adan Javier!"

Adan looked around quickly when someone called his name. He just scratched his head so hard he could see their supervisor who seemed to be out of the mood again.

“What are you doing? Get moving.” He ordered him which he immediately obeyed.

He hurried to march closer to his fellow medical students. Just the other day, they were just a few in training but now they seem to be increasing in number. Along with the noises coming from the various rooms, they pass inside the hospital, the nurses and patients can also be seen with him-her busy. He just shrugged and took the notes to go over what was written there again.

“Eleazar Alcaraz, 79 years old. He was admitted for hypertension. There’s paralysis in his left arm and leg. He seems to have UTI. We plan to do a renal function test and urine analysis.

He looked at the speaker and there he saw the assistant surgeon of their head. He hurried to take down the notes while staring at the patient who could barely move in his bed.

"The test won't hurt you, so you don't have to worry."

That's all their head said and headed to the next patient. He even saw him glance at him for a moment before finally walking away so the young man just bowed. This old man's blood was always warm to him, and he did not know the reason. There are times he's not even happy with its appearance anymore.

When the next patient arrived, Adan could only hear the whispers of the head and his assistant. He just watched them. To his knowledge, this is training. But they seem to have no intention of asking their students.
After a minute, everyone was on their way to the next room.
Adan quickly raised his hand in the middle of the walk.

“Dr. De Silva!

Everyone stopped walking and looked at him. Even the head surgeon quickly turned to him, so he kept his expression.

“Why don’t you ask us anything?” He couldn't help but ask. “Do you even know we’re standing behind you?” The young man added.

Dr. De Silva's gaze deepened on him in astonishment.

“This is the last day of our observation of the surgery. Other doctors ask questions and make us do case reports. Why don’t you ask us anything?” Adan's continuation because his curiosity is really killing him.

That was his only reason, but the head surgeon seemed to have a different understanding of what he said.

The doctor's gaze deepened on Adan. It seems to be judging the young man's whole personality. After a while, he sighed wearily and did not take his eyes off him.

"Are you a doctor?" This question to him surprised him.

"Not yet," he replied simply. He smirked slightly thinking that everything was fine.

“I’m sure you feel like one since you’re wearing a gown and carrying medical books. It must feel good when people call you a doctor. Maybe you thought this round will end immediately today because I am not asking anything,” he told him coldly.

Adan's forehead furrowed. He just kept his gaze on him because he seemed to want to say something more.

“But what? What questions do you want me to ask you? If I ask you, will you understand—”

"Are you saying you won't give us a chance?" He interrupted what the head surgeon had to say. He noticed the shock in the eyes of the others present.

Dr. De Silva's expression hardened even more as he looked at him.

"Why should I waste time on hearing useless answers?" He asked more so Adan just laughed.

Even though he couldn't understand where his temper was coming from, he already knew it very well. It had been teaching them for a long time, so he had memorized it and how he thinks. So now that he had the opportunity to break the arrogant doctor, for this reason, that this is the last day they would meet, he did not waste it anymore.


Adan couldn't finish what he was going to say when they all heard the crash. When he looked at it, there he saw a young boy going crazy while the nurses were giving him first aid. Everyone immediately approached there to see what was happening.

"I want to go home!" The child cried.

“What’s going on here?” Dr. De Silva asked the nurse. Adan remained looking at the kid.

“Let me go home!

"Doc, he removed his IV and wants to leave—!"

"Do you have his chart?"

Adan strained to see the child's condition. He couldn’t see it properly because he was behind everyone. The boy was still crying.

“Steven Ramirez, 11 years old. He collapsed at home last night and had a seizure,” he heard the old doctor's assistant said.

“What was the diagnosis?

“No abnormalities in the CT or MRI.

"Where is the family?"

“His older brother is on his way here, doc. According to the guardian, the child is quiet and always alone,” the assistant doctor continued.

"The student who complained that I didn't ask questions."

Adan was shocked when he heard that. After a while, everyone turned to him at once. He looked at them curiously.


“What do you think his illness is?” The old doctor asked him a challenging question.
He scratched his head so hard that he could not understand what it was saying.

“What is it, doc?

“Don't you want a question? You have two hours for this case,” he told him seriously and left the room.

He was about to speak but everyone quickly left in front of him. Adan's mind wandered when he turned his gaze to the sleeping child.
This is your last day here, Javier.
Be patient more. Even though I really want to punch that old man!

Next chapter