The Thirty-fifth Day: 26 April 2020

The Thirty-fifth Day: 26 April 2020 (152,840 confirmed infected, 20,732 died, in total)

"The virus takes us in an express elevator to the top of the peak but we have to find our way back down by the stairs." – James Naismith

The entire world is looking for a feasible “exit” to the current situation – a world stopped and stirred into total chaos by the coronavirus. But till now, it seems no country gets the right key. Experts and some government officials emphasized that it was too early to ease off lockdown measures. But economy and society are becoming disallowing day by day. Some other European countries prepared to announce their easing scheme. To die of disease or starvation, that is the question.

While people are restrained to smaller in-room space, wild animals are getting more freedom.

Two wild ducks have already made the small pond in our community their new home. They stay and rest here except for flying away shortly for their daily exercise – I am not lying or exaggerating. My neighbours throw crumbs and beans from balconies to feed them, so that they do not need to forage elsewhere. Their only outing once a day is for exercise purpose. I cannot figure out other reasons.

One magpie seems building its new nestle in the tree just next to our building. Magpie has the same pronunciation as “happiness” in China, so folks in most parts of China consider magpie as a bird of good luck. Hope this magpie could really bring good luck to us, and to this city.

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