A Spy's Love


“Run!” Gabriel Ybardolazza's voice rang through the gunfire, desperately screaming for his wife and five-year old daughter to run. It was an ordinary Saturday night when they were driving back home coming from a children's party. He was just rounding up the curb that led them to the road near their house, when a black and heavily tinted Toyota Land Cruiser cut in his direction, making him halt. Suddenly, five men with high powered guns came out of the car and looked at his direction.

He instantly knew that something's amiss, and this is not going to end well. His heart began to race for the safety of his wife and daughter. He glanced at his wife and saw her ashen face, and knew that she must have felt this, too.

“Who are they?” she whispered, while cradling their sleeping daughter in her arms.

“They are Papa's men,” he whispered back while trying to remain calm. “I think that they are coming for me, Jacq. And I don't know why because I have already forgotten that I was once part of the organization when I left them four years ago.

He already left this kind of life – the kind that revolved around revenge, killing, money, greed and corruption. He was raised by his father who treated him like he's another chess piece for his plans to happen. His father only cared about the organization and didn't give a damn about raising his son.

Growing up in this kind of mindset, he went with the flow. But as he believed that he will be part of this kind of world until the day he dies, he met Jacqueline. Jacq made him realize that the world isn't so bad as it seems, and people can change for the better – if they only choose the choice to do so.

“De Villa,” he said when looking at the man in front of his car window. Stanley De Villa is one of Don Severino's most loyal men.

“Alpha requested for you to go back to the headquarters with your wife and daughter,” De Villa replied without batting his eye. “He wants to see them.

“I don't understand, De Villa. I've already left the organization and I don't have any plans to go back. I also have forgotten that I once part of you guys.

“If I have to drag you and your family to bring you to the HQ, I would.

The thought of his wife and daughter coming with him to face his father made him refuse all the more. “What is it that he want, De Villa?

“This is something that the Alpha would only discuss, Ybardolazza. Now be a good boy and get in the car with your wife and daughter.

Hearing this, he knew that he had no choice but to bargain. “I will go with you, but please leave my family out of this.

De Villa's piercing eyes stared back at him, refusing to back down. He knew that his father specifically sent this man because he would follow his father's orders to the end – even at the expense of other's lives. To Stanley De Villa, Severino Ybardolazza's every order is an absolute law – and in any way must be followed. “No. The Alpha said that you and your family will come with us.

Stanley gestured to the two men standing beside him and suddenly they have forcefully opened his car door, pulling out Jacqueline and Sophia out of the car.

“No! Leave them out of this, De Villa!” he turned and looked at his wife. “Jacqueline!

“If you have just been obedient the first time I asked you, Gabriel, then we wouldn't arrived at this.” Jacqueline and Sophia had been held as a hostage, and a gun is pointed at his wife and daughter's heads. He also knew that these men won't pull the trigger.

Seeing that his family's life is at stake, he has no choice but to follow. They were to get on to the Land Cruiser when a speeding Range Rover came towards them. The Range Rover's windows opened, and the people inside opened fire, sending three of De Villa's men to drop dead. He ran towards his wife and daughter to get away from this place. He scooped his now crying daughter and ran towards the side of the road covered by thick foliage.

“Find them!” a booming voice said. “No one must be left alive!

“What’s happening, Gabriel?” Jacqueline said, fear and anger evident in her voice. “I thought that you already left this kind of life behind?

“I definitely don't know one thing about this, Jacqueline! All I wanted is to live in peace.” He felt a sharp pain tug at his side and looking down, he saw his own blood dripping. He was shot!

Jacqueline looked at him and saw the pool of blood coming out from his side. “We need to go to the hospital. You've been shot!

The gunfire came in closer, and he can see men looking for them. “Now, I want you to run. Run for you and Sophia's safety.

“No, we won't leave you alone here,” Jacqueline said stubbornly.

“I am not asking you, I am ordering you to!” he said while pushing his wife and daughter away. He can also feel that his body is getting weaker every minute and he's not going to last longer. “Run!

She shook her head violently while tears are streaming down her face. He put his arms around them. “Please, Jacq...run...” He lightly kissed her head, and it felt like he was saying goodbyes for the last time. “This is the only way I know that you can both live...” he whispered. “I love you, Jacqueline Ybardolazza. Now run before it's too late.

He can feel the sharp pain getting worse every minute that passes. He turned to his daughter that was crying.


Gathering all of his remaining strength, he cupped his daughter's face sweetly. “Daddy’s fine, baby. Now, can you promise me to follow Daddy? Stay with Mommy, okay?

Amidst her tears, Sophia nodded. “Yes, Daddy.

“Good girl,” he smiled and nodded. “I love you, pumpkin.” He turned to his wife again and felt his eyes brimming with tears. Knees wobbling, he tried to stand and pushed them away from him. “Now, go.

As soon as he pushed them away from him, he felt a searing pain hit his back.




He fell to the ground and felt his vision go black. Closing his eyes for the last time, he prayed for them to be saved.

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