Chapter Six

The day wore on much like any other, with the exception of Captain Blade. His dark mood from the previous night stayed with him, though he no longer stared at Elizabeth with suspicion. He was quiet, kept to himself, and remained in his cabin most of the time. The new sails ordered their last trip to port were delivered and tucked into their stores, along with the new rigging and ropes.

A variety of meats, vegetables, fruits, whiskey, and wines were delivered and stocked in the galley. The breads, rolls, scones, and various other perishables were securely tucked away in the bread stores, ready for their return trip to sea. The furniture Blade had bought was brought on board earlier that same morning, and set in place, where the old ones had sat for the past twenty years. All was made ready to sail on the first tide, yet none of this seemed to change the captain’s solemn mood.

Stormy advised Blade all was ready for the evening tide, but with no notice. He spent several hours with the man, listening and talking in private, making suggestions for their impending course, even suggesting they returned to their private island hideaway for some much-deserved relaxation. It had been a long time since they were last there and Blade always seemed to enjoy his time away from the dangerous sea, but it didn’t seem to faze him. There was something eating at the captain’s mind and he refused to give his first officer a hint into his thoughts.

Elizabeth was obviously curious, as were the rest of the crew, yet they were fearful of asking the man directly. There was the chance Blade had somehow discovered the switch Laddie and Elizabeth made on the whore the night before and confronting the subject would prove a fatal mistake for all.

When Stormy did, at last, join them for supper, it was to all their amazement to learn their fearless leader suffered the effects of superstitions. Stormy’s mood was somewhat lighter after having spent the entire day with Blade, and he chuckled softly over his plate of hash and beans.

“Seems our captain was taken aback when he saw you last night with your hair down,” he began, addressing Elizabeth. “He thought he’d seen the ghost of your mother. He came to the conclusion that she hadn’t been killed after all, and had somehow been hiding on board, plotting her revenge on him. That’s why he came to the tavern last night, and why he hired that whore for you. He was convinced you were your mother, and that she had somehow conquered the storm that night and come back onboard to taunt him. Hell, he doesn’t even remember Sarah had a child with her.

“What did he say when the whore told him she had a man in her bed and not a woman?” Laddie asked, amusement echoing through his tone.

“He was certain our little Lass here was indeed a woman, so he paid the whore a hundred pounds to make certain. Your switch was so successful, he left the tavern last night with the conclusion, he was either too drunk to know the difference between a man and a woman or had dreamt the whole thing.

“I’m sorry, Stormy,” Elizabeth apologized again. “I honestly don’t know what came over me. I swear it will never happen again.

“I’m sure it won’t,” Stormy said gently. “Blade was with me when you first came up on deck. You looked exactly like your mother in the moonlight. When you reappeared, it made him question his own sanity. That’s why he decided to hire the whore. He had to prove to himself that you weren’t really a ghost, but someone trying to plot against him. He was convinced that if Sarah wasn’t still aboard after all these years, that he was being haunted by her ghost. He’s not certain what to believe now. I’m sure he thinks himself mad.

The crew burst into a jubilant round of laughter, trying not to let Blade hear, whom it was they were talking about. It was ironic, Elizabeth thought to herself. After all these years to think a bloodthirsty pirate would think the ghost of her mother was out to get revenge. It was almost too good to be true.

That night, Blade went into port alone, returning earlier than usual with a large burlap sack across his shoulder. He went straight to his cabin barking orders to set sail as planned and didn’t emerge again until the ship began its descent out of port. He seemed a slight degree more cheerful once they had made their way into deep waters and the crew assumed, he had one last trip to his favorite brothel before they left.

The winds picked up, making sailing out of port a delight. Elizabeth hung by the railing, watching the vessel move further into the open sea. It was strange how much she enjoyed sailing, considering the events that brought her to the ocean in the first place. The crisp freshness of the night air blew through her thin shirt, making her bound breasts feel uncomfortably hot. Work was strenuous and tense with the captain barking orders every thirty seconds, forcing them to travel at a faster speed than needed. He remained by the wheel, navigating them into the dark relentless depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

By midnight everyone was exhausted, yet the work continued, and the captain remained on deck. His actions were highly suspicious, even for him, creating curious whispers to echo about the deck. In all the years of serving with him, nobody had seen him so driven for the open waters. It was as though the devil was riding his shoulder, whispering commands in his ear.

Elizabeth finally surrendered herself to the fatigue shortly before dawn, as did Blade. She watched with narrowed eyes, as the Spaniard hurried to his cabin, growling orders not to be disturbed. The ship quieted down once he left deck, allowing the crew to divide up into shifts and retire to their bunks. With the ache of exhaustion biting at her temples and the strain of bloodshot eyes tearing and burning in their sockets, Elizabeth eagerly tossed herself to her hammock with a heavy sigh. The new boots she’d purchased in port made her feet feel like giant blisters, and she kicked the last one off with great delight. She dropped her head to her pillow and closed her eyes. Sleep was a welcomed friend that night.

Shortly before ten o’clock the next morning, Elizabeth awoke to a loud commotion up on deck. She had heard the shouts before and assumed they had come across a defenseless merchant’s ship. She very reluctantly slipped her boots back across her sore feet, bound her braided hair and breasts securely inside their tight bindings then hurried to see what was happening. Somehow, the noise drifting down the stairs to greet her seemed foreign to her ears. She knew what battle sounded like and even recognized the screams of prisoners being brutally executed, but there was something different about this sound. It was somehow familiar, yet oddly strange at the same instant.

The crew was gathered in a circle on deck, concentrating on a movement in the midst of them. Blade’s deep voice could be heard above the sounds of the men’s curious chatter and an odd sound of…what was it...a wounded animal perhaps?

Blade shouted in angry growls, his deep accent spitting out words in his native tongue, while the crews’ mingled voices overlapped in an echo of concern. What was it that had everyone so up in arms?

Elizabeth pushed her way through the crowd, her eyes focusing on the center of the deck, horror filling her every nerve ending as she saw exactly what all the commotion was about. A young woman, no more than fifteen or sixteen, quivered among the tough, surly pirates. She was knelt on the deck, draped in one of the captain’s new satin sheets. Her long blonde hair hung about her shoulders.

In her hand was the captain’s knife, the tip of it moist with blood. Blade was arguing with the woman, ordering her to drop the weapon, but she was too frightened to obey. Her face was streaked with tears and on her cheek was a large bruise the size of the captain’s fist. She was shaking violently as she faced off against the man, knife pointing toward him.

Elizabeth paled as memories began to filter through her mind. It was happening again. He had somehow gotten hold of an innocent girl and was forcing her into the position of his private whore. But it didn’t look much like the girl was as willing a partner, as her mother had been, nor was there any reason for her to surrender eagerly.

Blade edged closer to the young woman, revealing the fresh slice across his cheek. By some unknown miracle, the girl had managed to get her hands on his knife and paid his brutality back, with a cut that went from temple to chin, deep and oozing blood. Blind hatred clouded Elizabeth’s eyes as she set her jaw tight and turned on her heel, hurrying down to the crew’s quarters. She retrieved her sword from where she had left it on the nail above her hammock and strapped it to her waist and thigh before slipping three knives in the belt of her pants. She placed the single-shot pistol she rarely used beside the knives, then turned with the look of revenge etched on her delicate features.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Swen asked as he stepped in front of her to prevent her departure.

He’d seen the look on her face and knew exactly what she intended, but the fear of failure ran deep within his veins. He couldn’t help remembering her last encounter with their captain and wasn’t eager for a repeat performance, that would cause the death of more than one man aboard the ship.

“I won’t stand by and let this happen again,” she growled, glancing at the man. “I won’t let the purgatory my mother suffered be repeated.

“You aren’t ready,” Ching added, joining them in the doorway, his Chinese eyes narrowing on her appearance.

“I don’t have time for a brush-up lesson. I’ve been practicing daily. I’ve watched every move Blade makes. I know his weaknesses and his strengths.

“Watch his eyes,” Stormy said, stepping up behind the other two men and pushing his way between them. He knew her time had come. This was what she had waited and worked for, for nearly fifteen years. “His eyes will tell you every move he’s about to make if you pace yourself and watch his expression. And Lass,” he added, as she nodded and started for the stairs. “Be careful. You can’t lose sight of the fight. Don’t let the desire for revenge cloud your decisions. Fight for the girl, not for your mother. You’ll fail if you surrender yourself to anger.

Elizabeth listened carefully, closing her eyes, and taking a deep breath, willing her own desires from her mind. Stormy was right. This wasn’t the way to beat the man. She couldn’t think about her mother. If she won, she would accredit the victory to Sarah, if she didn’t…

“Stand your ground,” Stormy called to the crew, as they came back on deck. “’ Tis the time for reckoning.

The men stopped shouting at the frightened girl and looked to Elizabeth as she made her way toward the hostage. The sobbing sounds emulating from the center of the circle silenced as Elizabeth stepped between the men. She stopped in front of her and knelt, her back toward Blade, sheltering the young woman’s eyes from him as she smiled gently.

“Put it down,” she told her, her tone soft and feminine. “This isn’t your fight.

The young woman frowned, transfixed on the sight of this she-man smiling at her. She hadn’t expected kindness or sympathy from anyone on this ship. The fact was, she expected to have her throat slit before she had made it this far.

“Stormy will take care of you, no matter what happens,” Elizabeth continued, as the pirate stepped up behind her, wrapping his fingers quickly around the hand that held the knife.

The girl rose to her feet and tried to twist free but was overpowered by the strength of the older man. “Trust me,” Elizabeth whispered softly, capturing the girl’s blue eyes with her own.

“Good man,” Blade praised, wiping the blood from his cheek with the back of his hand. “’ Tis good to know at least one of my crew has the guts to fight for his captain.

Elizabeth forced control into her tone as Stormy backed the young woman out of the center of the deck. She drew a deep breath to steady her emotions. She knew she couldn’t allow the man’s arrogance to alter her choices.

“I didn’t come to fight for you.” Elizabeth turned slowly as she spoke, her eyes locked with Blade’s in cold hatred. “I came to fight against you.

“So, the little boy wants the girl for himself?” taunted Blade with a hearty laugh. “Think you’re man enough to take her from me?

“No, I don’t,” she answered. She removed her cap from her head and watching the captain’s eyes as her braided hair fell down her back. The look on his face was priceless and worth treasuring no matter how long she had to live.

“You’re dead,” Blade gasped; disbelief and fear echoing in his tone as he took a step backwards.

“My mother is dead.” Elizabeth’s tone was calm and quiet, watching as realization began to filter across the man’s sun-aged face. He glanced at Stormy with an angry glare.

“So, you didn’t throw her over with the bitch, eh Amigo,” he accused. “Wanted to keep a little pleasure for yourselves? No wonder you don’t mind going out to sea for so long. Why would you, when you had your own diversion on board, selfishly hidden from your own captain.

“Guard your words, old man,” Elizabeth warned her tone steady and filled with a deadly threat. “And guard your life. I made a promise years ago I’d cut your heart out one day. Today looks like a good day to die.

“Think you’re a match for me, girl? I’ve beaten you before, or have you forgotten?

The captain reached toward the arm he had scared, only to have his hand knocked away with a strong side swipe of her own firm fist. That made Blade mad. He retrieved his sword from the sheath he had loosely tied to his waist and raised it in front of him.

“Try me,” she dared him, stepping back into a fighting stance.

Immediately, the captain’s sword swung toward her and she blocked it, swiftly and skillfully. The crew backed up away from the pair, afraid of getting in the way and distracting their young friend from her task.

One swing was met by another and then another, as the two sparred off. Elizabeth remained set on the task at hand, her training, and skills coming to her rescue. Blade swung at her first in amusement, then in desperation as her talents with a sword began to reveal itself. He had not anticipated a true fight and was soon huffing with the exertion of the battle, as his lungs fought to draw in air around the heart that slammed against his chest.

The crew shouted in Elizabeth’s support as desperation began filtering through Blade’s soul, giving him a renewed sense of strength. His arm was stronger and his sword heavier than hers, yet Elizabeth continued to block his swings with years of dedicated practice. Adept training showed in her movements as she blocked and ducked, dodged, and swung with the talent of a seasoned professional.

Blade’s arm was growing weaker, as the battle drug on. The heat of the day made the sweat run down his face and arms. His enthusiasm was growing in volume and the crew cheered each block and each swing of the woman’s arm. Elizabeth lowered her sword, blocking the upper thrust of the captain’s blade, and then in a surprising move, she twisted her hilt beneath his sword, knocking it out of the way and slicing the steel edge against his arm. Blade screamed angrily, grimacing at the rush of blood that began spilling from his arm, stumbling backward in pain as Elizabeth continued to advance.

Revenge began seeping through her movements, and she grew more courageous and bold. Blade retrieved his sword, knowing he had to defend himself against this insane woman, regardless of the pain radiating up his shoulder. Elizabeth blocked and swung the next blow, this time catching the captain’s shoulder with the razor-sharp tip of her sword.

Relentless as she was, she continued to slash her blade against his weakening blocks, striking at him in a fevered pitch until his sword flew from his grip. His arm lay disconnected at the elbow a few feet from his body. Blood began to pour from his severed arm, pooling at his feet as he crumpled to the deck. He reached forward and held feebly to the jagged, exposed bones jolting from what was left of his arm. Agony and despair shined in his black gaze, his eyes locking with the hatred blazing from the eyes of the daughter, whose mother he had forced to the depths of the ocean deep.

“I made my mother a vow,” she gasped through gritted teeth, barely hearing her voice over the beating of her heart. “You’re a heartless murderer, and there is no punishment severe enough for your actions.

She tossed her sword aside, as an explosion from the crew arose, her victory won. She reached into the waistband of her pants and removed one of the three knives.

“No,” Stormy shouted, releasing the captain’s hostage and rushing to Elizabeth’s side.

He had seen the intense anger in her eyes, sensing her actions and remembering her vow. But it was too late. Elizabeth knelt swiftly above Blade, her knife thrust deeply into his chest, tearing his flesh apart. She barely heard the scream of pain escape the man’s dry throat as she reached inside his body and ripped his heart out ruthlessly, holding it in her hand for him to see.

The warm, moist organ continued beating for a few moments within her hand, her eyes focused on Blade’s horror-filled face. She watched in stone coldness as the man gasped and died at her feet. His eyes focused on her as he drew his last helpless breath. The feeling of revenge surged within her soul, keeping her its unrelenting prisoner. Elizabeth barely noticed when Stormy rushed to her side, or Laddie hurrying behind him. The crew fell to a deathly silence as they witness the full extent of the girl’s promise. Even the dreaded Blade the Barbarian, had never done such a thing.

Stormy held her arm in his hand, hoping to bring her back to reality. He feared for her sanity and safety at this exact moment, far more than he had over the past decade. Her jaw was set, her eyes fused with those of her victim, as memories filtered through her mind. Laddie looked at the dead, tortured body of his former captain, blood gushing from his wounds, shrouding his body in a puddle of red death.

“Throw his worthless carcass to the sharks,” Laddie ordered the crew, glancing back to Elizabeth and Stormy.

“Lass,” Stormy said softly, forcing her to look up at him as two of the crew moved forward, lifting the remains of their former captain from the deck. “Let it go.

Elizabeth frowned, trying to focus on what he was saying, and what had just happened. She continued to stare at the lifeless body as the men threw it into the deep sea, along with his detached arm. Slowly, reality began filtering through her cloudy mind and she looked to Stormy again, trying to focus on what he was saying.

“Let it go,” he said again, this time with a stern tone in his deep voice.

With a mindless frown, she looked down to the moist, warm object filling her hand.

“Oh my God,” she whispered, her stomach jerking in reaction to the sight and reality of what she had just done. She felt suddenly very light headed and sweaty. “What have I done?

“What you promised your mother you would do. Now, throw it overboard,” Stormy ordered her, walking her toward the edge of the ship and watching as she released the silent organ into the ocean.

“Three cheers for our new captain,” Laddie demanded, leading the crew in an outburst of joyful shouts.

Stormy led her quietly away, taking her to Blade’s cabin and sitting her on the bed. He poured a small amount of water from the pitcher to the washbowl before moving it to the floor beside her.

“What are your first orders, Captain?

Stormy’s tone was soft and quiet as he washed the blood from her hand, hoping to take her mind off the events of the morning. Elizabeth looked at the man with wide eyes, then without a single word spoken she collapsed to the mattress in a dead faint.

“A nap? Aye Captain, good idea,” chuckled Stormy. He lifted her feet and laid her out on the mattress, admiring the comfortable appearance of it. Just like Blade to have the best, while others had nothing, he mused.

“Nice of you to give her such a gift, you old son-of-a-bitch,” he said, looking up at the pornographic portrait hanging above the bed.

Perhaps with some rest, she’d be feeling a little more like her old self.

Outside, the crew had begun working at scrubbing the blood from the deck. They looked to Stormy who joined them, leaving Elizabeth to sleep in peace in her new cabin. They waited anxiously for their next orders. What was going to happen now that Blade was dead? Was Elizabeth really capable of handling such a position? And what about their jobs? Were they still pirates, or nannies in training?

“Take the girl and help her get cleaned up,” Stormy ordered, watching as Laddie and Swen walked the girl to the room next to Elizabeth. “Turn the ship around,” he continued. “We’re going back to port. Half sail, if you will Mr. Ching. Let’s give our new captain some time to get used to her station.

“Aye, Aye,” Ching replied with a broad, yellow smile.

It had been a long time since he’d felt the thrill of a new adventure. Surely, having a female leading a band of cutthroat pirates was as adventurous as one could get.

Next chapter