365 days of cage


28.85k words

13 chapters



Table of Contents


Why was I not able to say anything?
“I…I…I will”, that’s all I could say.
“Well, it’s okay baby girl, we seem to have that kind of effect, don’t we?”. The guys chuckled and groaned behind him.
“I am not your baby girl, okay?” I said shakingly
“Yeah, you won’t be able to resist being one, if I even bring a finger close to your skin… gurl!” He smugly said, caging me with his broad shoulders and tall height. All the other guys started laughing like a beast except him.
His eyes were stark black and his looks were enough to send someone straight to the grave. The way he was trying to scare me was actually making my stomach flutter and my thighs were throbbing.

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2023/2/20 Reply