Fear, Control or Love?



33.36k words

18 chapters



Table of Contents


Aiden Grey is a 10 year old boy who lives in the orphanage. His parents were abusive and get arrested for child abuse and he was sent to the orphanage at the age of 8. He was very shy and introvert and got scared easily so none of the couple's wanted to adopt him. Even the kids at the orphanage bullied him.
Dylan Hunt is a 12 year old boy who lives with his billionaire parents. He is the only son and his parents love him a lot and can do anything for him. He asks for a little brother whom he can order around and do all his work, his personal server boy. His parents adopt Aiden and he is happy on finally getting a loving family but he did not expect to be the server boy for his brother.



Please update 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

2023/6/30 Reply

keep it up, it's good I have an offer related to writing story and I'd like to talk about it. If you are interested, you can reach me on insta: ods.apa or message me at leonandre880 (at) g m a i l (dot) com Thanks.

2023/1/23 Reply

Looking forward to what comes next. I enjoy this story got hooked

2022/9/9 Reply

Peace Nghe

pls I'm waiting for you to update

2022/7/1 Reply

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